Mob Psycho is one of the most consistent anime series. Every season of the anime has the perfect blend of story and action, making it easy to sit through the episodes. While the story might be based on an ordinary middle-school student, the series is home to some of the strongest known anime characters.

Most of these characters are espers, who are blessed with incredible powers. Each esper has a different ability that makes them useful in various situations. However, there are certain characters whose abilities are on a completely different level from the rest. If their power is left unchecked, these characters can easily destroy entire cities. With the third season of the anime already out, the list takes a gander at the strongest characters that have appeared in the story so far.

8 Sho Suzuki

Sho Suzuki in the anime

Sho Suzuki is the son of Toichiro. Sho was against his father's goal of taking over the world, so he led a resistance against him. He is talented in his own right, and he considers himself to be on the same level as the Ultimate 5.

However, after seeing him in action, it became clear that Sho still had a long way to go before he could even put himself on the same pedestal. Sho Suzuki is quite talented, and he has different abilities that make him a handful to deal with. Like his father, Sho can store energy and unleash a fierce attack. He can also use his psychic powers to turn invisible.

7 Teruki Hanazawa

Hanazawa Teruki – Mob Psycho 100 III

Teruki Hanazawa is one of Mob's closest aides, but things were not always good between them. Originally, Teruki was a spoiled kid who used his powers for selfish reasons. However, after being humbled by Mob, his entire perspective changed.

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Teruki is a talented esper, and one of the few who can use two techniques simultaneously. He can use pyrokinesis, telekinesis, and ethereal cloning techniques. What's more, since he's still young, Teruki has a lot of room to improve.

6 Dimple (Combined With Divine Tree)

Godly Dimple – Mob Psycho 100 III Episode 5

Dimple was a high-grade spirit who was able to take over the bodies of other people. This ability came in handy as it allowed him to start different cults. After fusing with the Divine Tree, Dimple's power increased to astounding levels.

He was able to hypnotize all the people of the city, which was a huge testament to his power. The power from the Divine Tree amplified Dimple's physical attacks as well. He was able to fight Mob for a short period of time, although the latter's energy was continuously being drained by the Divine Tree.

5 Ryo Shimazaki

Ryo Shimazaki activates his powers

Ryo Shimazaki was one of the Ultimate 5, a group of Suzuki's most trusted fighters. Despite not having the ability to see, Shimazaki was still an extremely powerful fighter. To cover for his lack of sight, Shimazaki developed extrasensory perception abilities.

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Shimazaki has another ability known as "Mind's Eye," which requires the utmost focus to work. After the ability had been activated, Shimazaki is able to discern the vital spots of his opponents, allowing him to take them out easily. However, his biggest strength is his teleportation ability, which makes it difficult for his enemies to defend against his attacks.

4 Katsuya Serizawa

Katsuya Serizawa from Mob Psycho in a suit

Katsuya Serizawa became a recluse because he feared his own psychic powers. Serizawa avoided human interaction until Suzuki sought him out and asked him to join the Ultimate 5. While Ryo Shimazaki claimed to be the strongest of the Ultimate 5, Suzuki stated that it was Serizawa.

Serizawa uses powerful psychokinesis to fight his enemies. He was able to hold his own against Mob, although only for a short time. Serizawa has the potential to become even stronger; however, his easygoing lifestyle prevents him from realizing his potential.

3 Keiji Mogami

Keiji Mogami in his human form

Keiji Mogami was an evil spirit, who used to be an esper. During his time as an esper, Mogami was considered to be the "Greatest Esper of the 20th Century." With his power, Keiji was able to exorcise all kinds of spirits. After his death, Keiji became a spirit and gained other abilities, which made him a serious threat even to Mob.

Keiji was able to trap his opponents inside a mental world, where everything was under his control. With this ability, Keiji managed to stall Mob for a long period. To make matters worse, he could use evil spirits that he had absorbed to torture his opponents. While Keiji has stated that he is stronger than Mob, he was beaten by the latter at 100%.

2 Toichiro Suzuki

Toichiro Suzuki using his powers

Toichiro Suzuki is the leader of Claw, an organization that wanted to dominate the entire world. Being the leader of the Claw, Suzuki was more powerful than any other esper in the syndicate.

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Suzuki was able to store a huge amount of energy, and he gradually released it while fighting a strong opponent. Being an experienced fighter, Suzuki could also use many different abilities. Suzuki's biggest weakness was the ungodly amount of power that he had stored. After releasing all of it, Suzuki was unable to control it, which allowed Mob to take advantage.

1 Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama

Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100

Considering what he has achieved, it is not surprising to see Kageyama at the top of the list. He looks like an average middle schooler, but in reality, he's the strongest esper in the series. Unlike most espers, Mob has access to multiple psychic abilities.

He can use telekinesis, transfer energy, detect other espers within a certain range, and more. In addition to these abilities, Mob has certain other skills that he can only access when he is at 100%. One of these skills includes energy absorption. By utilizing this skill, Mob can absorb the energy of another person and become even more powerful.

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