Mob Psycho 100 returned for its third season in 2022 and fans can't get enough of the psychic-powered anime. The show follows a powerful young psychic named Mob whose emotions often dictate the extent of his powers. It garnered a ton of fans thanks to its unique animation style, over-the-top action, and lighthearted comedy that brings together an eclectic cast of characters.

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Given some of the similarities, the world of Pokemon seems like a world in which many characters from the Mob Psycho 100 anime would thrive. With this in mind, fans of both franchises may find it interesting to look at each main character and figure out which Pokemon would make the perfect partner for them.

8 Musashi Goda (Machoke)

Mob Psycho 100 Anime Pokemon Goda

Musashi Goda is the leader of the Body Improvement Club, arguably the best part of the Mob Psycho 100 anime. These guys shed the typical tropes of muscular athletes shaming those they feel are beneath them. Instead, Goda and his allies cheer on kids like Mob as they simply want everyone to be the best versions of themselves.

It's clear that Goda would have a Fighting-type Pokemon by his side, but many Pokemon of this type are either angry or aggressive. Machoke is a middle evolution that feels rather chill and most of the time simply wants to flex and showcase its physique. Goda's kind heart and motivational presence would go a long way in building a stellar bond with his Pokemon partner.

7 Tsubomi (Eevee)

Mob Psycho 100 Anime Pokemon Tsubomi

Tsubomi is the main love interest for Mob, and audiences tend to see her through his perspective. This means she's often presented as sweet, pretty, and kind. Regardless if that's reality or not, that's how Mob feels about her.

Since Tsubomi seems to care about her status and perception she'd likely shoot for a Pokemon that's adorably cute. In the same way that rich girls in live-action movies often have poodles by their side, Tsubomi having an Eevee with her feels like the right pairing. It's unclear if she would ever evolve though.

6 Sho (Typhlosion)

Mob Psycho 100 Anime Pokemon Sho

Sho fits into the anime trope of a character being introduced as a possible villain, only to be revealed as an ally or anti-hero of sorts. He has a naturally suave and cool appearance, sporting fiery red hair and a dope high school letterman jacket.

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A lot of his psychic powers are rather bombastic and explosive, so a Fire-type feels like the right pairing. His partner would likely be a Typhlosion, a Fire-type Pokemon that matches both his naturally cool aura and pairs well with his own chaotic moves that can be unrelenting and overpowering.

5 Dimple (Gengar)

Mob Psycho 100 Anime Pokemon dimple

For better or worse, Dimple is a creep who's often working in his own self-interest. Sure, he slowly builds a relationship with Mob where he begins to care about the kid, but Dimple is always up to something. Solely based on the fact that he is a spirit and he likes to persuade and trick people a Ghost-type Pokemon seems like his perfect Pokemon partner.

There are plenty to choose from that could match his sinister self-motivation, but none more terrifying than a Gengar. In the games, players are known to use a pairing of moves known as Hypnosis and Dream Eater which put the opposing Pokemon to sleep and in turn eat its dreams to regain health and do damage. This savage move combo is exactly the next-level strategy Dimple would want to try and employ.

4 Teru (Jolteon)

Mob Psycho 100 Anime Pokemon Teru

Teru's a fellow young esper who is first introduced as Mob's rival of sorts, but quickly becomes one of his strongest and most loyal allies. He's known for his hair, and the anime plays with the idea of both the size and structure of his hair changing.

He's a character who likes relying on speed and one of his go-to moves called Air Whips visually resembles Electric-type attacks in the world of Pokemon. Not only would Jolteon match both of those aspects of Teru, but Mob has also been paired with an Eevee evolution and so the symmetry would be quite fitting.

3 Ritsu (Alakazam)

Mob Psycho 100 Anime Pokemon Ritsu

Sure, giving the kid focused on bending spoons a Pokemon known for doing the same may be a bit on the nose, but it's a good fit nonetheless. Ritsu isn't like Mob in that he's afraid of his powers, or that he simply doesn't want to hurt anyone. He's fascinated by his own power and it almost fully corrupts him at one point.

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The Psychic-type Pokemon Alakazam is quite powerful and was known for being a sweeper in the original Pokemon Red & Blue titles. Ritsu understands and respects strength and he wants to give himself every technical and strategic advantage possible, so he'd aim for a partner that he could excel alongside and not in spite of.

2 Reigen (Ditto)

Mob Psycho 100 Anime Pokemon Reigen

Arataka Reigen is loyal, caring, and hard-working but the last thing anyone would label him as is honest. His entire career is built on fabricating the truth and taking advantage of those he can manipulate. Luckily for him, he stumbled upon Mob, an extremely powerful esper who has saved him when he's been in over his head.

Giving Reigen a Ditto seems like both the best and worst pairing in terms of which Pokemon he should have by his side. On the one hand, it would feed this idea that what he's doing is altruistic, despite it relying on taking advantage of people. On the other, Ditto is flawed in its execution despite being able to morph into any other creature. Thematically, this fits right in with what Reigen does on a daily basis and so is quite fitting.

1 Mob (Espeon)

Mob Psycho 100 Anime Pokemon Mob

Pairing Mob with a Psyduck would be comedically appropriate for the gifted and awkward protagonist of Mob Psycho 100, but, thematically, there might be a better option. Since Tome was paired with Eevee, it makes more sense to have Mob partnering with the Psychic-type Pokemon Espeon.

He'd want a creature that would be relatable to his crush, Tome, but in typically Mob fashion it'd come across a lot weirder than he assumed. Not only does a Psychic-type match the special powers Mob possesses, but the creature could also relate to him in the sense of being something or someone that most people don't understand.

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