It's disheartening when a favorite MMORPG goes offline, and not just for the developers or investors. All the hours, effort, and money players have invested into the game seem to go to waste, and all of those great quests and missions, along with the compelling and detailed lore, are lost forever.

6 MMORPGs With Great Strategic Combat

Most MMORPGs consist of simple dice roll combat or are a button-mashing frenzy but there are some that took a more tactical approach.

However, if an MMORPG is popular or well-built enough, it may withstand the test of time, as the ratings on reveal. Some of these old MMORPGs came out over twenty years ago now, but are still available to play even if they're just in maintenance mode. Not only that, but often the developers are still working on them even if it's on a volunteer basis, still trying to improve the player experience and add more to the game for those loyal followers.

Updated on November 15, 2023, by Kristy Ambrose:The concept of the MMORPG has been around for decades and dominated the gaming world of the early 20th century. The honeymoon period is over and standards are even higher now that the novelty of the online game has worn off. In that spirit, the younger generation is turning towards the classics for modern inspiration, while older gamers are enjoying modern graphics and better customization options. Even though some of these old MMOs might never get another update or stay in maintenance mode forever, it's still worth the experience.

21 EVE Online

A Starships, Space Travel, And Cutthroat Business - 3.1

Space battle between ships in EVE Online
EVE Online

CCP Games
May 6, 2003

This space exploration MMORPG is a great fit for sci-fi fans who want to get away from the traditional fantasy MMORPG setting. In EVE Online, the player pilots a starship and travels through various galaxies, leveling a character and building resources. Each account can create up to three characters with a choice between four unique races, the Amarr, Gallente, Minmatar, or Caldari.

EVE Online has enjoyed a steady increase in popularity, which improved even more in 2011 with a free-to-play version. The developers continue to work on this old online RPG game, releasing regular events for players.

20 Second Life (2003)

An MMO Where The Objective Is Daily Life - 3.2

Second Life screenshot characters in a park with pride flags

This game is very much a staple in nineties fashion and style. Second Life is a much more basic game with a strong The Sims comparison. Players build and create a character, dress them up, style them, build their houses, and control their social life. Relationships can be forged with other players, and characters can explore a game world based on reality rather than fantasy.

7 Simulation Games With Darker Themes For Fans Of The Sims

For fans that enjoy the Sims but are wanting a bit of a darker theme, check out these recommendations

Second Life is often referred to as an MMORPG, but many including their own developers dispute this, stating that, "There is no manufactured conflict, no set objective."

19 Dofus (2004)

A French Game That Never Saw A Wide Release - 3.3

Dofus Battle Map landscape screenshot

Dofus was similar to other games of its time for its use of a high fantasy aesthetic with RPG elements. What made this one different, and maybe preserved its form and structure for so long, was that it was originally released in French and wasn't translated or localized for some time.

Gamers in France often know this title and some of the lore of the Land of Twelve, a reference to the 12 gods that rule over this portion of a much larger media universe. Other games in this franchise include Dofus Arena, a tournament version of the original, and a sequel called Wakfu that came in both game and serialized anime form.

18 Ultima Online

It Was All About PvP Combat In The Beginning - 3.3

Ultima Online screenshot with UI
Ultima Online

September 24, 1997

This old MMO goes all the way back to the Ultima game series, the first of which goes all the way back to 1981. Like EverQuest, Ultima Online focuses mainly on PVP combat. Maybe back in the days before internet trolling it was easier to engage in friendly competition.

10 Best MS-DOS Role-Playing Games

CRPGs were one of the biggest genres on DOS computers, and many of those titles are still worth playing to this day.

Although several expansion packs and updates have been released for the game including a new client in 2007 called Ultimate Online: Kingdom Reborn, which improved the game's graphics, the developers have done their best to maintain the original spirit of the game.

17 Anarchy Online (2001)

A Unique Early Title With Science Fiction And FPS Elements - 3.3

Monster and fighter in Anarchy Online

Released in 2001 and still going strong, part of the draw of Anarchy Online is the expansive, open world which is based on science fiction instead of the standard fantasy. This wasn't just one of the first MMOs, either, it's also one of the first online games to use a science fiction aesthetic and first-person shooter (FPS) instead of melee or magical combat.

There's no endgame or instances in Anarchy Online, but a steady path of character progression through leveling skills and collecting a precious ore unique to this harsh planet. It's a simple formula with complex potential that has lasted for 20 years so far.

16 Lineage 2 (2003)

Impressive Graphics And An Immersive Storyline - 3.3

Lineage 2 - Best MMO of All Time promo art with various characters

There's been a resurgence in popularity for Lineage 2 recently, in part thanks to the publicity about its 18th anniversary. The game was released a year earlier in Korea than in North America, and it started the trend of distinctive KRPG MMOs that continues today with games like Lost Ark.

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The Lineage 2 was one of the first MMOs when it was released, and it's still popular, even if it didn't get as much attention as its contemporaries. The game has been free to play since 2016 and is currently available on a variety of platforms.

15 Age of Conan: Unchained (2008)

A Successful Comic Book Adaptation - 3.4

Age of Conan MMORPG promo art

While this old MMO has declined in popularity in recent years, its servers are still alive and going. Age of Conan is inspired by the fantasy legend Conan the Barbarian. Set in Hyboria, the game follows an action-based combat system, where players design and build their characters in a traditional fantasy setting. The goal is to "tread in the footsteps" of Conan the Barbarian.

Age of Conan offers a free-to-play version, but must be fully unlocked by a subscription fee. The game has received some negative publicity for its portrayal of women and the revealing female armor, but it was generally well-received when it launched in the mid-2000s.

14 EverQuest

Five Hundred In-Game Zones And Extensive Character Customization - 3.4

EverQuest MMORPG combat with horned skeleton on stairs

Daybreak Game Company, Ubisoft, Sony Interactive Entertainment, 989 Studios
March 16, 1999

Earlier this year EverQuest celebrated its 21st birthday, which is quite impressive for an MMORPG. Yet another MMORPG that uses the standard medieval European fantasy model, EverQuest is set in the world of Norrath and focuses mainly on PVP combat.

Given the length of time since its release, EverQuest offers players a lot of content, boasting five hundred in-game zones. There are sixteen classes to choose from and sixteen races, although fourteen of these are from the original game. The continued input from the developers to improve this old MMO shows that it won't be ending any time soon.

13 Dark Age Of Camelot (2001)

A Modern Version Of An Old Legend - 3.4

Dark Age of Camelot exterior castle screensot

It is a dark time. The internet is still in its infancy, and it would be years before addons would even be invented. To put the age of this game into even sharper relief, Dark Age of Camelot is one of the oldest MMOs and was based on a text-based game called Darkness Falls: The Crusade from 1999. The game is currently free to play and is only available on PC.

6 RPG Worlds That Must Be Hell For NPCs

RPG worlds are often dangerous places, especially for the hapless NPCs that inhabit them.

That's a nice parallel with how things were in Camelot in the time right after Arthur's death, which is the era in which this historic MMORPG is based. The realm is broken into three different factions that are in a constant state of civil war, a concept that future MMOs would emulate and interpret for their own settings.

12 Cabal Online (2008)

Dark Horror And Romance Before BG3 Made It Cool - 3.4

cabal online combat screenshot

This game originated with South Korean gaming company ESTsoft in 2005, where it was available on PC, but it wasn't free to play until its international release in 2008. Many different versions of Cabal Online exist depending on where in the world the game is running, which is one of the reasons it's been able to survive all this time and mostly fly under the radar.

The game is a typical fantasy RPG in some respects, but the website is for mature players only, as some of the dark horror and romance options might not be suitable for younger players. It's worth a look just for the fluid combat, which was fairly new at the time but was eventually adopted by virtually all MMOs and stand-alone RPGs.

11 World of Warcraft

The MMO That Defined The Genre For Years - 3.4

WoW Onyxia raid screenshot
World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004

Arguably the most popular and well-known MMORPG of all time, World of Warcraft is a fantasy-themed MMORPG in which players choose a race for their character and skill specification according to their class. It made gaming more accessible to casual players who wanted something more forgiving than the other MMOs of the era, which could be difficult to learn.

Several changes have been made in the years since 2004, and their legacy lives on in the gamer debate. In 2019, the developers released World of Warcraft Classic, set in the original 2004 game world. Meanwhile, the retail version has revitalized its gameplay and storyline with more recent expansions and ongoing patches.

10 The Lord of the Rings Online (2007)

An Online Adaptation Of The Famous Fantasy IP - 3.5

The Lord of the Rings Online, three players riding horses through a lake

Middle-Earth is the perfect basis for an open-world MMORPG, so it is surprising that one wasn't made until 2007. The game was originally behind a paywall in the form of a regular subscription, but a free version was released in 2010.

8 Best Lord Of The Rings Online Expansions, Ranked

Lord of the Rings Online has a mixed bag of expansions. Here's how they stack up.

When starting The Lord of the Rings Online, players choose a race for their character and a class based on the ones from Tolkien's work. Classes include Burglar, Beornling, Hunter, Champion, Lore-Master, and Warden. The game features several quests and areas from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, as well as building several original regions inspired by Tolkien's work.

9 Dungeons & Dragons Online (2006)

A Tabletop Adaptation Of The World's Favorite TTRPG - 3.5

dungeons dragons online bank screenshot

Almost every RPG owes something to the Dungeons & Dragons universe, and naturally, the vast video game library based on the franchise would include an old online RPG. The development and distribution teams have changed over the years, which is partly why the game has also been called Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach and Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited.

The gameplay is based on D&D 3.5 rules and takes place in the world of Eberron. Players who have experienced the tabletop game will recognize some familiar places and settings as they progress through this old MMO. Dungeons & Dragons Online was also an important release that showed that the free-to-play model could work.

8 RuneScape

The Road To Many MMOs Starts Here - 3.5

RuneScape screenshot fountain with rainbow and inventory

Android , iOS , PC
January 4, 2001

This game has a bit of a mixed reputation. While it can prompt eye-rolling from some gamers, RuneScape has always been incredibly popular. Virtually every gamer has played this old online RPG game at one time or another.

8 MMORPGs That Have Changed A Lot Over The Years

These MMORPGs experienced quite a few changes over the course of their lifespans.

RuneScape is a fantasy MMORPG set in the world of Gielinor. Unlike most MMORPGs, players don't choose a race or skill set. All players are human and can train in a variety of skills which affect the character's stats in some way. RuneScape's popularity came from its being very accessible, with a restricted but fulfilling free-to-play world, and being able to run on almost every PC.

7 Mabinogi (2004)

Hand-Painted And Inspired By Ancient Myth - 3.5

Peaca_Lobby Mabinogi angel statue kneeling with sword

Mabinogi is also the title of a famous work of Welsh mythology, and the lore and setting of the game are inspired by the legends and stories in the same anthology. The artwork is mostly hand-painted, with some CGI touches, and the innovative result is one of the reasons this game still has a dedicated fan-following and server population almost twenty years after its initial release.

Despite its popularity, publisher Nexon Korea determined that running servers worldwide was a losing proposition. Anyone outside of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, North America, Oceania, or Israel might have to use a VPN to experience Mabinogi in the present day, but it might be worth it anyway.

6 MapleStory (2003)

Detailed Character Customization That Was Ahead Of Its Time - 3.5

Maplestory 2 character creation screen

This old MMO includes both side-scrolling levels and areas where players can interact. MapleStory was one of the first MMORPGs to offer a large number of choices when it came to character customization, which explains its popularity.

7 MMORPGs With Great Loot Systems

MMORPGs all follow similar game designs, but the looting systems can differ greatly, and some are definitely better than others.

MapleStory was also poised to break new ground when games for Andriod became a lucrative trend, another one of the features that have assured its longevity. Several local versions also exist, making the game a worldwide phenomenon in recent years and poised to continue expanding.

5 Wurm Online (2006)

Old School Crafting And Cooperation - 3.6

Wurm Online

Almost 20 years after its initial release, this game is currently available on Steam in all its old-school Java-generated glory. It has most of the trappings and details of modern games, such as different servers that players can choose from and a detailed crafting system, two features that were new at the time.

Wurm Online was originally developed in Sweden by some friends in Motala, Sweden, and emphasizes trade skills like blacksmithing along with individual and region-level PvP. The game has a high learning curve, so it's not the ideal choice for beginners unless they really want to jump into the deep end.


3 Final Fantasy 11 Online (2002)

Broke The Glass Console Ceiling For MMOs - 3.7

Final Fantasy XI Online combat two-heased dragon knight in plate

MMORPGs based on already popular games and game worlds don't always live up to expectations. Final Fantasy 11 Online proves that an old MMO installment can become as popular as other additions to the series and stay relevant.

Final Fantasy 11 was created by the same developers as the rest of the series, Square Enix. It also broke ground as the first MMORPG to step out of PC, releasing on PlayStation 2 and XBOX. Add-ons and expansions have been added to the game since its release, and today the game servers only run on desktop computers.

2 Tibia (1997)

Could Be The First MMO In History - 3.7

tibia online exterior screenshot with UI

This game goes all the way back to the last century, 1995 to be precise when it was started by some German university students as part of a hobby. Tibia was released in 1997 and is still based in Europe. The game uses a classic fantasy setting, and it still enjoys updates and bug fixes along with a loyal fanbase even after all these decades.

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Modern MMO players would call Tibia "hardcore" with features like making death frequent and often resulting in losing stats or items permanently. The graphics haven't changed much from the top-down, two-dimensional view, either.