Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (otherwise known as an MMORPGs) are a popular genre among players for a multitude of reasons. Players can take control of a character of their creation (usually) and go on a great quest through a huge, sprawling world and fight off all sorts of creatures.

Usually, MMORPGs will encourage players to make friends with other gamers. Many such titles heavily recommend exploring an area with multiple people. However, some players prefer to use their gaming time to wind down alone, rather than socialize. Luckily, there are some MMOs that can be played as if it were a single player game. In these games, a player can complete most (or all) of the content by themselves.

7 Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls Online - Fire

Elder Scrolls Online is, as the title indicates, part of the Elder Scrolls franchise, which is most popular for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. However, Elder Scrolls Online - despite being a game that is marketed as an MMORPG for multiple people to experience together - can be played almost entirely as a single player.

There are many quests that a player can experience solo. If a player gets strong enough, there are even a few bosses that they could try to take down by themselves. However, there are a few story beats that are designed for multiple players, and near impossible to experience solo.

6 Runescape

Runescape - Trekking

Runescape is a classic game that many old school players of MMORPGs look back upon fondly. Additionally, it is a great game for a player who wants to go about it entirely by themselves, without the help of party members, thanks to the use of Ironman Mode.

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When a player enables Ironman Mode, they are left completely on their own. There are no trades, no EXP shares, and no way to play multiplayer. The player will be able to enjoy Runescape as a single player game, perfect for those who prefer their gaming adventures to be solo missions.

5 Rift

Rift - Bow

Rift is a title that may not catch the attention of a few people who want to play an MMORPG in a single player environment, but that does not mean a player should entirely ignore it. Although Rift does rely on playing with people more than other MMORPGs on this list, it is still possible to go solo.

A player can level themselves up until they are stronger than a lot of other players and go from there. It is a viable way to play the game, but larger swaths (such as dungeons) may require a group of people.

4 Neverwinter

A fierce red dragon roaring as two adventurers prepare to battle it.

Neverwinter, an MMORPG that has been around for quite some time, is based around Dungeons and Dragons. As such, it is highly recommended by the game to play with multiple people, but it is still possible to play solo.

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Bosses and other enemies can actually be completed by a solo player if they are strong enough. Many players have found that the game is easiest in solo mode mode up until they are level 60. From there, though, things may get a bit tougher to deal with (such as beefier enemies and harder hitting bosses).

3 World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft - Promo

A game that is extremely popular among MMORPG players, World of Warcraft has kept itself in the limelight for many years for many reasons. There is an enormous amount of content that a player can get int:- hours of story quests, crawling through dungeons, picking off opponents in PVP, and more.

It is worth noting that almost every multiplayer-necessary dungeon in the game is optional. A player can enjoy the story entirely by themselves, and skip past the dungeons that need to have multiple people.

2 Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars Old Republic - Character

As one of the most popular games in the Star Wars franchise, many players have noted that Star Wars: The Old Republic can be played with many players or by one player. A player will not miss much of anything playing by themselves, and some may enjoy the experience even more.

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In the game, content specifically made to grind out levels is actually built to be done solo. As such, it is very easy for a player to get started by leveling themselves up on their own. Should they get strong enough, they could even tackle bigger challenges such as dungeons by themselves, and might not need the help of teammates.

1 Black Desert Online

Black Desert Online - People

Black Desert Online is a rather interesting case. It is not built like a typical MMORPG - anything that catches a player's interest is possible in the game, regardless of how they have built their character.

In fact, Black Desert Online is primarily built for players to rely on themselves more than anything else. As such, it is close to being the perfect MMORPG for a player who wants to experience it like a single player game. Everything in the game can be completed solo; playing with others is just an option that's available.

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