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The Tarkatan Colony is one of six Mesas that Mortal Kombat 1 players will visit during Season 6 of Invasions Mode and the location of the SNOWBALL FIGHT Klue. Found on the Doom & Gloom node near the very beginning of the Mesa, there's a pretty good chance that this cryptic puzzle will end up confusing a fair few players.

Mortal Kombat 1: How to Solve Every Klue in Season 6 of Invasions Mode

Solving all of the Klues in Season 6 of Invasions Mode can be a little tricky, particularly for players who aren't too familiar with MK1 move names.

Although most Mortal Kombat 1 players will quickly deduce that they need to be playing as Sub-Zero, the wording of the Klue seems to suggest that they'll have to spam one of the Lin Kuei leader's projectile attacks, but this isn't actually the case. Solving the SNOWBALL FIGHT Klue is actually a lot simpler than that.

How to Solve the SNOWBALL FIGHT Klue in Mortal Kombat 1


To solve the SNOWBALL FIGHT Klue, players will need to perform any Brutality while playing as Sub-Zero. All of Sub-Zero's Brutalities will work here, though most players will likely opt to go with The Klassic, as this is one of the easiest MK1 Brutalities to pull off and is available right from the get-go. To perform The Klassic, players should whittle their opponent's health bar down until they are one hit away from death and then hold down and Back Punch (Triangle on PlayStation, Y on Xbox, or X on Switch) while standing at close range. If done correctly, Sub-Zero will uppercut Provost Kenshi's head clean off of his shoulders and the Klue will be marked as complete.


Solving the SNOWBALL FIGHT Klue will reward players with a can of Blood Lime, Kitana's Royal Reptiloid Palette, and 250 Seasonal Kredits. Blood Lime is an Uncommon Konsomuable that, when used, allows players to use Breakers without consuming meter for the duration of their next encounter, while the the palette can be equipped via the Kustomize menu. As for the kurrency, players can use it to purchase special Season of Reptile-themed kosmetics from the Seasonal Store. Season Kredits will expire once the current season finishes at the end of July though, so players should be sure to spend them all before then.

mortal kombat 1
Mortal Kombat 1

NetherRealm Studios
Warner Bros. Games
PC , PS5 , Switch , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
September 19, 2023