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Just as they did in previous seasons of Invasions, the Klues found in Season 5 really help to break up the grind, forcing players to use their brains as opposed to just mindlessly mashing buttons as they make their way toward the Mesa's boss. They'll find the DUST IN THE WIND Klue in the Hot Head node while exploring the Living Forest and will then need to figure out which Kombatant the Klue is referring to.

Mortal Kombat 1: How to Solve Every Klue in Season 5 of Invasions Mode

Solving every Klue in Season 5 of Mortal Kombat 1's Invasions Mode can be a little tricky, but our komplete Klue guide should make life a lot easier.

As some Mortal Kombat 1 players will likely know already, the phrase dust in the wind is often used to describe the impermanence of life and how short one lifetime is in the greater scheme of things. This should in turn help to point them toward the series' current Keeper of Time, though there's still a little bit of work to be done when it comes to figuring out which of Geras' moves will need to be used.

How to Solve the DUST IN THE WIND Klue in Mortal Kombat 1


To solve the DUST IN THE WIND Klue, players will simply need to perform any Brutality with Geras. The go-to Brutality in Mortal Kobat 1 is the Klassic, as it's unlocked for every Kombatant right from the get-go. To perform the Klassic, players should whittle their opponent's health bar down so that they're just one hit away from death, then, while standing at close range and with the other Kombatant grounded, hold Down and Back Punch (Triangle on PlayStation, Y on Xbox, or X on Switch). If done correctly, Geras will uppercut the Blazing Ninja's head clean off of their shoulders and the Brutality screen will pop up.


After players complete the DUST IN THE WIND Klue, the debris that had previously been blocking their way forward will be destroyed, allowing them to open up the glowing chest nearby. Inside, they'll find Nitara's Red Voltage Skin, an OHM TOTEMS Rare Talisman, and 250 Seasonal Kredits. As players should already know by now, Seasonal Kredits can be used to purchase time-limited outfits from the Seasonal Store, which can be accessed via the game's main menu. They'll expire when the Season of Storms comes to an end at the beginning of June though, so players should be sure to spend them all before it's too late.

mortal kombat 1
Mortal Kombat 1

NetherRealm Studios
Warner Bros. Games
PC , PS5 , Switch , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
September 19, 2023