Mortal Kombat 1 has made some big changes in nearly every aspect of what it means to be a Mortal Kombat game. Aside from the changes in the story, the character re-designs, and the new Kameo systems, there have also been big changes made to the PVE and the single-player experience. This comes in the shape of the replacement for the Towers of Time, the new Invasion Mode.

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The Invasion Mode has the potential to be a great game mode that players can sink dozens of hours into. All the mechanics and ideas it needs to be great are right there, but it just falls short due to being a bit tedious and grind-heavy. While Mortal Kombat 1's Invasion Mode, in its current state, gives off the vibe that it was rushed a little, some very minor changes can make it into a very good game mode. These changes would do well to bolster the replayability of this game beyond the online multiplayer.

5 Remove Super Armor

MK1 Invasion Mode Overlay Mortal Kombat 1

This has to be the biggest flaw in the game. Fighting games, especially MK1, are all about Kombos. This counteracts that completely. Super Armor is a tired and frustrating mechanic that needs to either be removed completely, limited to special fights, or reworked.

Super Armor essentially lets the opponent ‘power’ through a player's attack. This makes it very difficult to pull off combos or even some basic strings. This serves as a foil to one of the big reasons players play fighting games. While super armor, as a mechanic, is not inherently flawed, it is used way too frequently in Invasion Mode to be enjoyable.

4 Adjust The Krazy Modifiers

MK1 Invasion Mode Konsumables Mortal Kombat 1

Modifiers have been a part of NetherRealm games for a while now, be it Injustice 2 or MK11. They can be great for making fights exciting and unique. They also add a layer of strategy to the PVE combat, as players need to use consumables accordingly, and they also need to learn how to adapt to the modifier present in every particular round.

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Invasion Mode generally has some solid modifiers, and they aren’t that frequent either, so they’ve found the right balance. Unfortunately, there are some modifiers that need adjusting, as they’re a bit too extreme. One modifier turns the entire screen black for a few seconds. This is especially difficult for newer players to handle. Another example is a modifier that reverses a player’s inputs. This can take a while to get used to as well. While these can pose a fun challenge sometimes, they probably need a small nerf. Maybe their duration could be reduced, or players could use a rare consumable to counteract them.

3 More Unique Challenges

MK1 Invasion Mode Challenges Mortal Kombat 1

MK1 is still a pretty new game, so it makes sense that the balance isn’t perfect yet, and there are adjustments to be made. Considering NetherRealm Studios’ incredible history of DLCs and expansion packs, there is no doubt that they will add more to the game, especially in terms of single-player content. There is already some mystery around certain tasks in the mode, but the more players have to do besides spam battles, the better.

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While players play Invasion Mode mainly for loot, some changes would make it a fun experience. One useful addition that could make Invasion Mode incredible is if they add in more unique challenges or mini-games. Whilst a few are already present, adding in the likes of Puzzle Kombat from MK: Deception could do wonders for the game mode and also act as a cool nostalgia trip. They could also add in challenges that require players to perform a particular combo in a fight or avoid blocking projectiles for an entire round for added XP or coins. Small things like this can help make the mode feel fresh and intuitive.

2 Improve The XP gains

MK1 Invasion Mode Level up Stats Spread Mortal Kombat 1

Progression is strongly linked to experience points gains in this game. Be it Kameos or the main characters, players can level up the mastery of these fighters through invasion mode. Increasing the mastery level unlocks different gear, skins and brutalities, etc. Whilst the mastery system is very well-made, the XP gain in Invasion mode, in particular, can be a bit lacking.

Higher levels also make harder battles easier. This can be an important consideration, given the elemental damage system as well. If players choose a fighter just for the elemental type, and it's low leveled, they would be at a disadvantage. This could discourage character pick variety. Something like this can be mitigated through higher XP gains. It would also encourage players to focus on elemental damage types rather than just brute-forcing the whole campaign with one character.

1 Add A Krypt Zone

Warrior statues in the Krypt in Mortal Kombat 11

MK1 is a great game, but it feels lacking in some PvE features. The Krypt was an incredible addition in MKX and MK11, so it is a little disappointing to see it gone. The Krypt provided a relaxed environment for players to explore the game’s hidden lore and callbacks while also spending their money on cosmetics and opening different chests and pathways. It was a relaxing step away from the norm. Invasion Mode does not have a Krypt, but it could serve as a useful addition. It could feature as a sort of central hub world and allow players to tackle different puzzles and challenges to get more loot.

While MK1does have a Shrine, it is a pretty bare-bones version and doesn't really do much. It might be a tall order to include a Krypt at any point in the near future, but it would definitely be a good addition.

Mortal Kombat 1 is available to play on PS5, Xbox X/S, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

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