Midnight Fight Express features an incredibly satisfying combat system that only gets better as players progress through the game. There are plenty of different skills, combos, and mechanics for players to learn, and the game has an incredibly fun set of levels to offer, as well as a surprisingly wide array of customization options.

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Though things start off relatively simple, Midnight Fight Express quickly ramps up the action, throwing new enemies and challenges at players. Given the depth of the fighting system, it’s easy to make mistakes, and in order to overcome the toughest enemies, it’s vital that players take the time to learn the game’s mechanics well.

9 Not Using Weapons Enough

midnight fight express mistakes weapons

Though much of Midnight Fight Express is about unarmed combat, there are plenty of weapons available to pick up, both scattered around levels and as drops from enemies. Don’t underestimate how useful these are – melee weapons do significantly more damage, and heavy weapons can break through enemy blocks with ease.

Additionally, guns are also extremely powerful. Players are often thrown into tight spaces with a number of ranged enemies, so obtaining a gun is the best way to level the playing field. Just make sure to be careful when firing, as each gun has fairly limited ammo and cannot be reloaded.

8 Overusing Basic Attacks

midnight fight express mistakes overusing

The basic light attack is certainly useful, as it is very quick and does a decent amount of damage. However, players shouldn’t fall into the trap of overusing it. As the game progresses, many enemies become increasingly resistant to simple attacks, and a more developed fighting style is necessary to beat tougher bosses especially. The Ravers block all light attacks, for example, meaning players must resort to alternative attacks to get past their defenses.

Using a variety of attacks and combos is not only practical, but it also looks and feels much more satisfying to do, and there are tons of different animations and finishers that can only be done with certain combos. Additionally, a more varied fighting style is important to achieving a good score.

7 Picking The Wrong Skills Early

midnight fight express mistakes wrong skills

Midnight Fight Express’s skill system isn’t too complicated, but it’s important to pick the ones that matter the most, especially if facing a particularly tough part of the game. Of course, there is some leeway as to which skills should be taken first depending on personal preference, but as a general rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to take various skills from the different trees rather than progressing down a single tree first.

This will make sure players have the right tools to defeat enemies they might face. Some good options to prioritize for early picks are the first few grapple skills, the light + heavy attack combo, and the skills relating to parrying.

6 Not Using The Environment

midnight fight express mistakes environment

It’s important to keep a look-out for potentially useful things in the level environments. Most prominently, this is likely to be throwable objects and weapons, which are extremely helpful for disrupting enemy attacks and getting some breathing room.

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Once players have progressed further down the skill tree, they will also unlock attacks related to the environment, which are a convenient way of finishing off wounded opponents. They’re also often particularly unique and entertaining animations, like throwing enemies over railings or into walls.

5 Ignoring The Challenges

midnight fight express mistakes challenges

The level challenges aren’t a strict priority, and they’re not necessary for finishing the main story, but they’re usually worth doing. Players will likely have to replay levels to finish them fully, but the challenges provide a unique way to keep the game fresh and are a good test of even an experienced player’s abilities.

The challenges are also how most of the cosmetics are unlocked, so any players wanting a more stylish look for their character will have to complete at least a few of them.

4 Not Practicing In The Playground

midnight fight express mistakes playground

One of the best features of Midnight Fight Express is the Playground, a sandbox mode where players are given a range of options to let them practice and experiment. Players can choose what enemies they’d like to fight or customize the behavior of specific ‘dummy’ enemies. They can also choose what weapons will appear.

The playground can essentially be whatever a player might want and has an endless wave mode for those who simply want to keep fighting, or individual enemies can also be spawned one by one. This mode is excellent for trying out new combos, skills, or just general practice.

3 Rushing Through Levels

midnight fight express mistakes rushing through levels

It is important to keep a good time when trying to get a good score, but on the first playthrough, it’s better to take things slow. Most of the levels are fairly large, and there are often useful weapons hidden around levels that can be extremely helpful.

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There are also often a few references and easter eggs scattered around that are worth keeping an eye out for. For more completionist players, speedruns should be left to later playthroughs once the toughest challenges have been completed and the levels are more familiar.

2 Choosing The Wrong Difficulty

midnight fight express mistakes wrong difficulty

Midnight Fight Express offers 3 different difficulties, but very helpfully, it also allows players to customize more exact options to their liking. Players can adjust how much health they have, how aggressive enemies are, the focus meter, and a few other options.

This allows players to choose exactly what sort of challenge they’d like to face. If things are a little too hard, players can simply make things a little more forgiving, or vice versa if players feel the game is too easy.

1 Targeting The Wrong Enemies

midnight fight express mistakes wrong enemies

It’s important to be able to recognize which enemies should be targeted first. There is a clear hierarchy of which enemies should be prioritized that players should learn. It is often best to target the weakest enemies to clear out some room and make it easier to defeat the tougher enemies.

However, this is not the case when facing opponents with guns. These enemies should be the absolute priority, as they do a lot of damage and make it extremely difficult to deal with other enemies.

Midnight Fight Express is available on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One

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