The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero is a game that was Japan-exclusive for very long, but recently received a localization in the west earlier this year. Fans of the Trails series were certainly excited, but players new to the franchise also took the chance to dive into the long-running JRPG franchise.

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While Trails games won't be too unfamiliar to JRPG veterans, it certainly has its own idiosyncrasies that might confuse players new to the franchise. The Trails franchise has a small but passionate following, and those idiosyncrasies are what draw them to it. Here are some mistakes that new players make when playing The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.

8 Ignoring The Exchange Shop

Trails from Zero Exchange Shop quartz section

The city of Crossbell is massive, and it features a variety of facilities for players to use to outfit their party members for success in clearing requests and beating tough monsters. One of those facilities is the Neinvalli Exchange Shop, which is situated in the Downtown district. The Exchange Shop allows players to exchange items for other items they can't get anywhere else.

Initially, the Exchange Shop doesn't have a lot in it, which might convince some players that the Shop isn't worth it. However, the Shop's goods will only grow with time, and by the end of the game, the Shop will have a number of unique accessories, ingredients, and items that can't be found anywhere else. Players should always check the Exchange Shop once a chapter to see what's in stock.

7 Not Analyzing Enemies

Info for a Gordian displayed in battle

Seeing enemy stats in a JRPG is a fairly common mechanic, and naturally it exists in Trails from Zero as well. Analyzing enemies can provide a lot of beneficial knowledge to the player, but having to spend a turn to reveal that information can be costly, especially during a tough battle.

Nevertheless, it's a good idea to analyze an enemy whenever possible. Analyzing reveals elemental weaknesses and ailment resistances, which can be important for developing a strategy against tough bosses. The Information and Heaven's Eye quartz allow the user to see this information without wasting a turn, so use them if manually analyzing is too risky.

6 Forgetting About Field Attacks

The SSS surrounding a stunned enemy

Field attacks are a new mechanic introduced in Trails from Zero that wasn't in the previous Trails in the Sky trilogy. By pressing a button, the lead character of the party will land an attack, temporarily stopping an enemy on the field. When hit from behind, a field attack can stun them, giving the player a huge advantage in battle.

Related:The Legend Of Heroes: Trails from Zero - Best Recipes & How To Get Them

While running around an enemy to land a hit on its back might seem annoying, there's no denying the benefits. Against a stunned enemy, the party gets a bunch of free turns, and a free critical for their first turn. Team Rushes also show up more often, making it possible to wipe the enemies out before they even get a turn.

5 Not Watching The Action Time Bar

Trails from Zero AT Bar with Rush buff

The Action Time Bar (or AT Bar) is a core part of combat in Trails games, and the one thing players should be paying the most attention. The AT Bar shows the turn order of battle, making it a vital tool for planning out strategies and dictating the course of battle.

The AT Bar will also occasionally grant buffs and effects, which makes it vital to be paying attention when an enemy is going to get a critical or if there's an effect that will heal a party member's HP. Ignoring these effects can swing the tides of battle against the player, which will only make some fights harder.

4 Being Reckless With CP

Trails from Zero Lloyd using his Tiger Charge S-Craft

CP is one of two vital resources in the Trails games, needed to use both Crafts and S-Crafts. CP is built up whenever a character attacks an enemy, so players initially may not worry too much about using their Crafts freely. The showy and flashy nature of S-Crafts may also tempt players into using them when they aren't necessary, expending their entire reserve of CP.

It's important to avoid overusing a character's CP when it's not needed. S-Crafts are important because they can interrupt another's turn, which allows players to control the turn order in ways that benefit them. Not having enough CP to do that in an emergency situation can lead to a premature Game Over, so being cautious about CP usage is vital.

3 Ignoring Side Activities

Trails from Zero Lloyd fishing in the harbor district

Like any JRPG, Trails from Zero has a variety of side activities the player can enjoy aside from venturing through monster-infested areas. Fishing is the most robust of these activities, with a rather simple mini-game attached to the activity. Party members can also cook to create food with a variety of different effects.

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Initially, players may ignore fishing because it doesn't seem to have much to do with the main plot. However, completing the fishing game can provide the player with a variety of unique items and quartz, making it a worthwhile use of their time. Cooking can also be a hassle, but unique items that can't be obtained anywhere else can be made through it.

2 Neglecting Orbment Setups

Trails from Zero Orbment setup for Lloyd

Orbments are the most important part of a character's equipment, and a lot of importance is placed on it early on. Orbments allow the player to equip quartz to their party members, which provide them with a variety of special effects and Arts. Upgrading orbments grants more slots for quartz and more EP to use for Arts, making their development vital to progressing through the game.

Players should take care not to underestimate the influence orbments have on their prowess in battle. Not only do orbments improve stats and provide special effects, the order and positioning of certain quartz can decide which arts a character is able to cast. It's important to pay attention to how quartz are set up to make sure a character is able to cast the best arts.

1 Rushing Through The Game

Trails from Zero Talking to Arios in the Bracer Guild

Trails from Zero is a fairly long game, even by JRPG standards. When factoring in the substantial story and significant side content, players might start to get a little impatient with their progress and start wanting to rush through the game, but that is a huge mistake.

Naturally, rushing through the game can cause the player miss hidden quests and items that could be a huge help. However, the biggest thing lost by rushing is the appeal of Crossbell's living, breathing populace. Every NPC in Crossbell has something new to say, and hidden events pop up multiple times a chapter. Taking time to explore the city and talk to as many people as possible is a big part of Trails' appeal, and ignoring that would be ignoring the franchise's biggest strength.

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