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Forspoken is breaking some new ground in the realm of video games. It's a third-person action role-playing game, which has been done before, but now the graphics, cinematics, and fighting mechanics are all cranked up to eleven.

Given everything that's going on in Forspoken, some players might find it has a steep learning curve. That's part of why the introductory chapter is a bit on the long side. Just like it is for the main character Frey, every mistake that the player makes is a lesson to be learned for the future. Here's what players should keep in mind.

7 Keyboard Versus Controller

gameplay balance settings in forspoken

Forspoken is published by Square Enix and was originally intended to run on the PlayStation 5, so it's obvious that most gamers will use a controller. For those out there that might be more accustomed to MMORPGs or other role-playing games that include organizing an array of spells and other abilities, however, using a keyboard isn't such a ridiculous idea.

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Granted, once there are more things to do and use, the controller is definitely better in the long run for virtually everything. For Windows users that need some training wheels, don't rule out the idea of starting with the keyboard and getting used to the UI before the game gets more difficult.

6 Ignoring The Landscape


One of the complaints about the game is how standard the open world looks, and it's a valid gripe. Granted, some of the countryside of Athia tends towards the conformist and generic, but when location pops, it's really impressive. Players that have already written off th game take this for granted and miss it.

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It's easy to get stuck in the rut of just zipping over the map using that parkour hop, because most of the wilderness isn't distinctive. There isn't much to explore, there are few NPCs, and crafting isn't so complex that it requires traveling or farming on a grand scale. Still, players should fight the urge to plow through, and instead keep those eyes peeled for some amazing sights.

5 Ignoring The Lore


As an attempt at a Western "isekai" game, Forspoken is testing some new waters with an old genre. Isekai is a Japanese term that describes a story in which a person is taken from one world, usually the real world, and is transported to another that's completely different from the one they left. It's usually used to describe manga and anime, but video games use it, too.

The story of Althis and the progression of the main character, Frey, are separate but intertwined, and it's a compelling narrative. The explanation of how Frey ended up in New York as a baby is as much a mystery as how she got to Athia as an adult, and the lore of the Tantas is also interesting.

4 Missing The Auto-Pickup Feature


This is so great, and most players don't even notice until stuff they glanced at on the ground now appears in their inventory. It's a simple mechanic that picks up resources as Frey walks over them. She doesn't have to stop or pick anything up. The number one reason players ignore resources in games is because of either bag space or travel time.

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There are resources that players can use for a variety of crafting options in Forspoken, and they include minerals, plants, and other materials gathered in the open world. The Auto-pickup makes gathering so much easier that most players miss it, at least the first time they play.

3 Having Too Much Parkour Fun...

forspoken parkour

The first time Frey learns this trick, it's hard to walk normally ever again. Why sprint along the road when the nearby rooftops would serve as a much safer, clearer road? As much fun as this is, and it's one of the best things about the game, it can take the main character off course and end up being a waste of time.

Depending on what part of the chapter it is, there might be a certain path Frey has to follow or a particular direction in which she's supposed to go. If the player parkours out of that pathway at the wrong time, the game will correct them and reset their position.

2 ...And Forgetting It's Great In Combat, Too


The parkour function isn't just for travel, and too many players make that assumption. Being able to use the surrounding terrain in creative ways is one method to get a drop on a large, powerful enemy or by contrast, several small ones.

RELATED: Forspoken: Things To Do Before Leaving Cipal City In Chapter 3

Having trouble with wolves in a ruined town? Hop up on the roof and attack them with ranged magic missiles from above. Need to dodge a dragon's attack or find shelter fast? Run along a steep wall and duck behind a ruined stairway. Parkour can also be used to get in close to an enemy quickly and deliver a finishing blow.

1 Spell Switching

forspoken - freya and magic

It's one of those combat options that feels weird until the player gets used to it. This process can be confusing as more spells become available, and Forspoken has a massive array of choices in that regard.

Even players that are used to playing spellcasters have to get used to rocking that left paddle to scroll through their spells. Once they get used to that, it's possible to arrange them so that they cycle through automatically according to cooldowns or other criteria. At first, however, just get used to a sore left thumb.

MORE: Forspoken: How To Turn On Subtitles