Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is officially here, bringing players back to the world of Fodlan for another adventure with the students of the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery. This time around, though, players will take a more active role in each battle, as Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes eschews the tactical combat style for a more action-heavy fighting method.

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Three Hopes brings along many of the systems and mechanics from Fire Emblem: Three Houses while also adding a few of its own, making it a dense and, occasionally, overwhelming experience. It can be easy to miss out on certain benefits or completely ignore an entire portion of the game, and these mistakes can lessen the overall experience.

8 Neglecting Facility Upgrades

menu screen with a checkerboard-like box on the left with various page icons with different images on them. Above it is a title that reads "facility management." on the right is a detailed description of the selected upgrade "Survey wet surroundings."

The action is where Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes really shines, and it can be easy to get caught up in running from one battle to the next without taking the time to visit the camp and attend to other matters. One of the key support features in Three Hopes, though, requires players to make the trek back to camp, and neglecting to do so can make the game much more difficult to complete.

Upgrading the facilities around the camp is an absolute necessity when trying to make it past some of Three Hopes' more challenging battles. These upgrades unlock perks like more healing items, stronger weapons, and even new classes for the playable characters.

7 Ignoring The Tactics Instructor

a purple haired man in plate male with red trim stands in a wooden structure with no walls. behind him is a makeshift classroom with yellow curtains. at the head of the class, in front of a blackboard, is a man with the title "tactics instructor" over his head in green font

Many of the battles in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes are challenging skirmishes that will leave the player's units worn down and near death, which can be especially worrying when playing in Three Hopes' Classic mode. Fortunately, the game has a myriad of systems to boost both defense and healing potential.

One such method involves visiting the Tactics Instructor, one of the camp facilities that can improve a unit's passive abilities. Upgrades include more healing vials, better damage boosts when given an order, and improved unique traits that can shake up the entire battlefield. While the Instructor's prices can be a bit prohibitive, each one is more than worth the investment and shouldn't be forgotten.

6 Spending Smithing Stones Frivolously

a blacksmith menu screen that shows a list of weapons to be reforged on the left and a description of that weapon on the upper right. an armored arm and red sash can be seen below the weapon description near the bottom right of the image

Smithing stones are arguably the most valuable currency in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, as they can be used to purchase weapon upgrades and resources from the local Supply Master. Making meaningful purchases at either the Blacksmith or the Supply Master costs quite a few smithing stones, though, and it can be very easy for players to wind up completely tapped out of the ore altogether.

Spending smithing stones wisely is one of the first lessons players will need to learn when diving into Three Hopes, especially when trying to unlock useful facility upgrades or access the hidden abilities of powerful weapons. Knowing where and when to spend the rocks is key to getting the most out of them.

5 Not Optimizing Battalions

a menu screen with a character profile in the top left, a list of battalion forces on the bottom left, and a comparison of the currently equipped battalion and the highlighted battalion on the right

Battalions are one of the many systems Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes borrowed from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but they work a little differently in this new game. Battalions now offer advantages against specific units during battle, which can transform a typically average character into a powerhouse that can smash their way through the enemy lines.

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That said, the efficiency battalions offer can be easily overlooked in favor of relying on the inherent advantages each character class offers. While it's possible to make it through the game without utilizing battalions to their fullest extent, taking the time to optimize them for each battle really has a lasting impact.

4 Battling At A Disadvantage

a battle map that shows the layout of the field. several blue up arrows and down red arrows dot the map. The cursor is hovering over Shez, a purple haired man with the Thief class equipped. a box next to his character description shows the various advantages and disadvantages he has against enemy units.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes sees the player take on the role of a general leading their forces into battle. Even while in the middle of the fight, it's up to the player to decide where each unit moves and which battles they're meant to fight. It's a delicate juggling act that requires strategic forethought and in-depth battle knowledge.

It can be tempting to send each character to the conflict to which they're closest, but this is rarely the best strategy for keeping everyone alive. Each character class has strengths and weaknesses to other weapon types, and ignoring those qualities can lead the player's soldiers to an early grave.

3 Ignoring Character Supports

a menu pop-up that shows Shamir's support levels with other characters including a purple haired Shez, a pink haired Hilda, and a blue haired Marianne

Character supports are one of the best returning features from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, as they offer both great character development and tangible benefits in battle. While they're not quite as effective in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes as they were in its parent game, it's still worthwhile to pay attention to the bonds the team has formed and plan accordingly.

The biggest impact character supports have on the moment-to-moment action of Three Hopes is in the adjutant system, which allows players to assign a unit to act as pure support for another character. This provides that character with special attacks and boosted stats, both of which are enhanced by a strong support bond.

2 Only Controlling One Character

a white haired girl creates a large, purple blast directly in front of her. soldiers are flying in all directions. a mini map sits in the top right corner, an ability wheel in the bottom right, health meters for four different characters in the bottom left, and a hit count that reads "1014 hits" in the top left. Along the bottom are the words "Lysithea defeated the Thief!"

It can be tempting to stick with a favorite character through the game until the credits roll, but this isn't the best way to keep the entire team in fighting shape. While Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes' AI is good, it doesn't mow down enemies quite as well as the player can, which means assuming direct control is the best way to level up each unit.

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Low-level characters can still hold their own in a fight, but it's much riskier when leaving the game in control of them. Spending a little time with each character on the battlefield will even out the experience gains and keep the entire team at a competitive level.

1 Playing Favorites

a purple haired man swings a sword at a group of green-tinted enemies, sending them flying. in the top right is a mini map, in the bottom right is an ability diamond, in the bottom left is the health meter for both player characters, and in the top left is hit count that reads "450 hits"

Keeping the same core team for every battle might seem like a good way to build an overpowered team of super-soldiers, but it most likely won't turn out as good as players might think. There are so many enemy unit types that four characters alone can't possibly cover all of their weaknesses, and there are also larger battles that require the involvement of other units.

Swapping out characters to suit the battle is always the best option, as it allows for the entire roster to get a bit of growth and for the player to try out each character's attack style and special abilities. There's a staggering amount of variety in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, and it would be a shame for players to miss out on any of it.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is available now for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes - How Long to Beat And Chapter List