Scorn is a first person horror game that is, quite simply, flesh upon flesh. The game is similar to Yume Nikki, in that a player is forced into a dreamlike world. They must try to comprehend what they are looking at as they wander through the game, keeping themselves safe from the dangers that may be lurking around the corner.

There are a lot of mistakes that a player can end up making in Scorn. It is somewhat surprising to realize, because this type of game is not really one that can be considered mistake heavy. Still, there are some things that newer players should avoid when starting the game.

7 Not Observing the Surroundings

Scorn - Bridge

Not only is Scorn a disgusting looking game filled with flesh that would not be out of place in a game like Saya no Uta, the game also does not have a map or a very clear layout. As such, it is easy for players to end up lost while exploring the game's world.

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Many players who start wandering with no idea of where they are going will get lost among the puzzles and grotesque landscape of the world. As such, players should make sure to keep track of their surroundings while walking around.

6 Using Ammo Haphazardly

Scorn - Sticking Capsule

The player only gets a limited amount of ammo at a time, so it would be best to make sure that this ammo is stored away until it is really needed. However, there are many people who do not know this upon starting the game. As such, they tend to waste their ammo and will have nothing when they really need it.

Ammo should only be used when a player really needs to wipe through a horde of enemies and get out quickly. Everything else can be dealt with by running away or using the Melee Prod weapon.

5 Not Exploring Through the Game

Scorn - Palace

A large part of Scorn's world building comes from its environmental storytelling. There are no cutscenes that will bring the player out of gameplay, so everything they learn will come from discovery in the game itself.

As such, people who do not take the time to thoroughly explore will miss out on the bits of world building. It would be best for a player to take their time while going through the game to see what it has to offer.

4 Rushing Through the Game

Scorn - Machinery

Similarly to the fact a player should take their time to explore, a player should definitely remember not to rush through the game. Not only do they lose their world building moments, but they will also end up getting lost and stuck on puzzles if they rush.


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The puzzles in Scorn are a large part of game play, so it will benefit the player to pay attention to what they are doing and where they are going. Otherwise, they will end up completely lost and stuck during their game play.

3 Forgetting to Run When Needed

Scorn - Gun

Not every conflict can be solved with fighting off hordes of enemies, and that is especially true in Scorn. Once again, a player only has a limited amount of ammo for their guns, and this can be detrimental to them.

A player needs to know when to run and when to shoot, as it is crucial to conflict management. However, pretty much any conflict can be solved by running away. Only really dire scenarios should warrant the use of the gun. Fleeing combat isn't dishonorable when it's necessary to survive.

2 Using the Revolving Shotgun Beyond Necessities

Scorn - Faceless

The revolving shotgun is widely considered to be one of the best weapons in the entire game, and many players will want to use it when they get it. However, they should conserve their bullets even more than usual with this shotgun. It is especially rare to find ammo for it, even more so than other weapons.

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The revolving shotgun should not be wasted on smaller enemies, and should instead be used to wipe out all the larger enemies they cannot deal with by running away. It's a powerful weapon that should be saved for a last resort.

1 Touching Everything

Scorn - Creature

In many games, the player has to touch every single thing that comes their way in order to make sure they get the key for a puzzle or find all of the secrets. Scorn is not one of those games. In fact, players will soon learn that this tactic will actually be harmful to them.

There are all sorts of machines and contraptions that can harm or even kill a player if they touch them without proper preparation. As such, a player should be very careful in deciding what to touch and what to leave alone. One wrong move can spell death.

Scorn is available on Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows.

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