Released on the 4th of April 2023, Meet Your Maker is an innovative first-person shooter that revolves around building bases just as much as it does infiltrating them. Players can take part in Raids of Outposts built by other players in addition to building their own Outposts.

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Most Outposts are littered with traps and guards, making them dangerous to navigate. Fortunately, players have an arsenal of weapons at their disposal, melee skills, and a handy grappling hook that they can use to traverse vertical spaces and quickly close distances with ease. Still, this is a game with something of a learning curve, so this list covers some mistakes to avoid when playing Meet Your Maker.

8 Not Building Enough Outposts

meet your maker

Like anything, players will get better at building Outposts the more they practice at it. And, they can have up to five separate Outposts at once in Meet Your Maker, giving them a fair amount of freedom to experiment with building and fine-tuning levels to their heart's content.

So, something that newer players to the game should keep in mind, especially those who enjoy the building aspect of things, is to go nuts with constructing Outposts. Don't be afraid to experiment and figure out what works, because there's truly no downside to doing so (players can even mess around with certain ideas without activating the Outpost, if they wish).

7 Underutilizing The Grappling Hook

meet your maker

Easily one of the most enjoyable aspects of Meet Your Maker is the grappling hook, and it's also something that plenty of players seem to overlook when raiding. Not only can it be used to quickly bypass some otherwise fairly hairy situations (especially getting past traps), but it's also a handy way of ascending tricky, vertical ramps and similar features.

Players can also incorporate the grappling hook into combat by using it to quickly close the distance on enemies to take them out (in a manner not dissimilar to the Blink ability in Dishonored). This is just one of many tips to help with Raiding Outposts.

6 Rushing Into Tight Spots

meet your maker

Tight corridors and corners are a sight that's all too common in Meet Your Maker. Spots like these can be great for hiding in, and, a lot of the time, Raiders can get caught off guard by traps or other nasties hidden around corners or in other spots that are difficult to see.

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So, when Raiding, it's always worth being careful to look around corners before actually turning them. While Meet Your Maker often feels chaotic and intense to play, rushing through corridors and around corners blindly can, more often than not, lead to disaster.

5 Making Levels Too Complicated

meet your maker

When building Outposts in Meet Your Maker, it can be natural to assume that, the trickier and more complex the Outpost one builds, the more difficult it will be for Raiders to successfully complete it.

As a result of this, many players will likely find it tempting to construct the most complicated, confusing Outposts that they can. While this is likely to make it harder for Raiders to clear the Outpost in question, players need to keep in mind that it's in their best interest for Raiders to actually enjoy playing the level or levels that they've created. The more a Raider enjoys playing an Outpost, the more likely it is that they'll share it, and the more popular it can potentially become. Players can also watch replays to see what is and isn't working in their Outpost.

4 Forgetting About Aesthetics

meet your maker

Building an Outpost often feels like a fairly practical exercise, and, as such, it's relatively common for players to neglect the more aesthetic elements that can come into play when doing so.

While this is certainly understandable, it's also a bit of a shame. Building unique, cleverly-designed Outposts can be a great way for one to express their creativity, after all. So, players should consider the aesthetic and visual aspects of Outposts when they're building them and weigh them up against the practical side of things, rather than simply building the most practical Outpost possible. Even simple things like playing around with the orientation of objects can make a difference.

3 Throwing Everything At The First Wave Of Raiders

meet your maker

When building an outpost in Meet Your Maker, it can be tempting to throw as much as possible at Raiders to try to wipe them out almost as soon as they've appeared. Unfortunately, this tends not to work as well as one might think.

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In fact, what can often be a more viable strategy is spreading resources across both waves of the raid. For instance, it's possible to program traps to activate only once the Raiders have actually managed to seize the Genmat; catching them unaware like this can be a clever way of making the second wave much harder for them to survive. This is just one of a number of things to keep in mind for beginners when building Outposts in Meet Your Maker.

2 Underusing Melee

meet your maker

Ammo isn't always easy to come by in Meet Your Maker. The starter crossbow, for instance, only comes with two bolts. Fortunately, there's a way around this; melee combat.

Melee is actually pretty viable in Meet Your Maker (the game has some great melee weapons), and players who neglect to use it can end up in a loop of running out of ammo, trying to reclaim it, and getting killed in the process. It's also possible to incorporate some elements of stealth gameplay here, allowing players to, for instance, melee unsuspecting guards or similar by hiding behind an object and waiting for them to walk past.

1 Riding Solo

meet your maker

While not everyone will be fortunate enough to be friends with a Meet Your Maker master (though those who are might want to try raiding that friend's Outpost), the game is generally far, far easier when played in co-op than single player mode.

So, players who are struggling to get to grips with the game (and those who aren't, for that matter) should consider trying it in co-op. Having an extra pair of hands makes building Outposts much more efficient, and it also makes raiding far more manageable. Plus, it's a great way to meet and get to know people, too.

Meet Your Maker is out now PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S and X, and PC.

More: Meet Your Maker: How to Get More Weapons & Suits