
Mirror's Edge Character Feature

At this year’s E3, DICE and EA shocked audiences by showing a first look at a new, next-gen Mirror’s Edge game. Since confirmed to be an origin story, this franchise reboot hopes to achieve what the original 2008 free-running title could not, despite its aesthetic depth and innovative (albeit flawed) gameplay.

In the weeks following its announcement, fans have speculated and scoured the first game, searching for answers to the question: what will this origin story be about? As it turns out, many characters from the first game may provide the answer. Let’s take a look!


Mirror's Edge Character Jacknife

An ex-Runner and the primary antagonist of the original game, Jacknife is affiliated with Pirandello Kruger Security. Allegedly retired, he taunts Faith throughout the game while pulling strings, selling out the Runners to help train special police units specifically tasked with taking out the black market messengers.

His history with Faith is not discussed at great length, though during the game it’s quite clear there is some unfinished business between the two. This could be due to a past relationship gone sour, the details for which may be revealed in the upcoming reboot — along with hints of his treachery.


Mirror's Edge Character Celeste

Celeste is a Runner who aspires for a more fulfilling life, often telling Faith to live beyond merely surviving. She too has assisted in the development of Project Icarus, but unlike Jacknife she cares about the Runners, especially Faith and Merc.

What’s interesting here is at the very beginning of the original game, Celeste re-trains Faith in a tutorial simulation aimed for new players. The circumstances for this are Faith’s recent recovery from an accident of some kind — one we have yet to find out about. Does Celeste know something we don’t? Given her knack for working behind the scenes, is it possible she may have been responsible for Faith’s accident?


Mirror's Edge Character Mercury Not much is known about Mercury and how he became involved with the Runners, except that he is Faith’s guide throughout most of the game. Through the
Mirror’s Edge story and brief comic series it is revealed that Merc is responsible for finding and training Faith from the age of 16.As Merc is crucial to Faith’s career as a Runner, there is no doubt we’ll see more of him in the reboot, but to what extent? His lack of mobility due to a prior injury means that his character will need to be expanded upon - and flashback sequences could help fill in the blanks.

Kate Connors

Mirror's Edge Character Kate Faith’s sister is an integral part of the Mirror’s Edge story, having been framed for the murder of an important political figure. Kate provides an interesting mirror to Faith’s character, choosing the path of upholding the law rather than circumventing it. Her role in Faith’s life is only briefly touched upon, but we do know the two parted ways for a period of time before the events of the game.What role will Kate and the rest of the Connors family play in Faith’s origin story? It will be absolutely necessary for her to remain a key part of Faith’s life, and we should see more of the riots, and the reasons for Faith leaving her family in the first place.


Mirror's Edge Character Drake Though never mentioned in the game, Drake is responsible for much of the technology used by the Runners. A long-time friend of Merc, he holds a wealth of knowledge about the world before the totalitarian government was fully implemented. Because of this, there are a lot of details that can be fleshed out by a Mirror’s Edge origin story.Drake is also tied to Faith’s father, Abraham, and is aware of the family’s role in the City riots that took place before the Runners formed. Among various other characters, Drake’s picture is visible during the Project Icarus sequence, being targeted by the government as a key player involved with the Runners. Because of this, it’s safe to assume we should see more of him.


Mirror's Edge Character Feature There are many characters in
Mirror’s Edge whose backstory lines up with Faith’s, and we can only hope they can be expanded upon in the upcoming reboot. Very little is known about the game so far, but given the clues and loose ends left behind by the original story, it’s safe to say those stories will be fleshed out.What do you think Faith’s origin story will be about? Will it involve any of the characters mentioned here? Leave your thoughts in the comments section!DICE is currently developing Mirror’s Edge for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC. The game is expected to be released sometime in 2014.