Mirrors Edge 2 EA Financial Release Window

Fans of Mirror’s Edge have been waiting quite a while now for Mirror’s Edge 2. Over the course of four years, development has been halted, restarted, and some art and screenshots were teased at E3 2014, but the game still didn't have a solid release date.

While EA and DICE still haven’t officially announced a specific release date, gamers can now at least look forward to a general release window for Mirror's Edge 2. An EA financial earnings presentation has revealed that the publisher has narrowed down the release window for Mirror's Edge 2 to a three-month span.

The presentation, originally intended for EA's shareholders, details Electronic Arts' past earnings and expectations for its upcoming fiscal year. The presentation reveals that EA expects Mirror’s Edge 2 to be released during its fiscal Quarter 4, which encompasses January through March of 2016. Information regarding the game has been sparse, and it wasn't clear at last year's E3 whether Mirror's Edge 2 will be a prequel or a reboot. The presentation refers to the game as simply Mirror’s Edge, which may indicate that Mirror’s Edge 2 is indeed a reboot.

Mirrors Edge 2 Protagonist Eye

EA and DICE haven't announced or published anything further regarding the game's release, so they may be waiting until E3 to reveal it. Nonetheless, it’s reasonable to believe that this release window is probably pretty solid, as these financial documents are intended to explain to stockholders how the company expects to financially perform in the upcoming year. While there’s still a slim possibility that the game could be delayed yet again, video game industry analyst Michael Patcher previously predicted that Mirror’s Edge 2 would arrive during or prior to April 2016, which is further evidence that fans may be able to trust that the game will be released in early 2016.

While it's good to know that EA is closer to determining an exact date, it’s undoubtedly frustrating to many Mirror’s Edge fans to learn that the game could still be nearly a year away. EA and DICE previously made excuses claiming that they had to wait until the next-gen consoles came out, but Mirror’s Edge 2 is now slated to come out over two years after those consoles became available. Thankfully, the presentation makes it clear that the game is not being scrapped, and one can hope that at the very least we’ll receive a lot more information about the game’s plot, and maybe even a hands-on demo at E3 2015.

Mirror’s Edge 2 is scheduled to release in early 2016 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Electronic Arts