
  • Minecraft fans can now enjoy new wolf variants inspired by real-life animals in specific biomes.
  • Mojang introduces customizable armor for wolves in snapshot 24w10a, adding diversity to gameplay.
  • Players eagerly await more updates to enhance their Minecraft experience with engaging features like new mobs.

A Minecraft fan has shared an image showing the origins of the new wolf variants. Minecraft continues to add new features such as biomes, commands, and mobs. To make this possible, Mojang periodically releases snapshots, which are ways for Minecraft players to test features not yet officially available in the game.

Mojang released a snapshot this year that added the new item Wind Charge to Minecraft. Another feature that Minecraft snapshots brought this year was the Bogged, a new skeleton variant that shoots poisoned arrows. But what's got players talking is the release of Minecraft snapshot 24w10a, which added eight wolf variants. Although it took Mojang years to get new wolf types for Minecraft players, one clever fan spotted some interesting information about the new mobs.

Minecraft Fan Shows How Strange the Game Gets After Walking 10 Million Blocks

A Minecraft player walks 10 million blocks, and images show that the world can get pretty weird after walking such a long distance.

Reddit user TimeStorm113 shared an image showing which animals inspired the creation of Minecraft's new wolves. The regular wolf, or pale wolf, is the Great Plains wolf, an animal native to North America. Also from the same region is the Alaskan timber wolf, the inspiration for the snowy wolf. The rusty wolf has a brown coat like the dhole, a wild dog found in different regions of Asia. Found in Africa, the aardwolf and the African wild dog are two canids on which the striped wolf and the spotted wolf are based. The black wolf is a British Columbian wolf, a wolf subspecies seen in North America. Meanwhile, the woods wolf's counterpart is the Eurasian wolf, a wolf found in Europe and Asia. The Arctic wolf is native to the Arctic tundra and inspired the creation of the ashen wolf. Although the OP can't say for sure, they believe the chestnut wolf originates from the North American Yukon wolf.

Image Shows the Origins of Minecraft's New Wolf Variants

The wolf variants breathe new life into Minecraft because of their diverse coats and by being found in specific biomes. Thus, the pale wolf is seen in the taiga biome, and players can see the rusty and spotted wolf between the jungle vines, and in the savannah plateau, respectively. The black wolf lives in the old growth pine taiga, and the stripped wolf has its home in the wooden badlands, one of Minecraft's most unique biomes. The snowy, woodsy wolf walks through the snowy groves and forests, and the chestnut wolf in the old growth spruce taiga. Interestingly, the ashen wolf is found specifically among the snowblocks of the snowy taiga.

As well as introducing the eight new wolves, snapshot 24w10a made it possible to customize the wolves' armor, which Minecraft players can dye in different colors. With the positive reaction to this snapshot, players hope for another Minecraft wolf-related change that can make the gameplay even more engaging.

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PS4 , PS3 , PS Vita , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , 3DS , PC , Android , iOS , Nintendo Wii U
November 18, 2011
Sandbox , Survival