
  • A new Minecraft update adds 8 unique wolf variants, along with craftable armor for protection and customization.
  • Interaction with wolves in Minecraft remains limited, lacking commands like guarding specific areas or retrieving items.
  • Adding more commands for wolves would perfectly complement their other recent changes.

From dolphins and turtles to cats and wolves, there is no shortage of cute mobs in Minecraft. The expansive game regularly releases updates, with either entirely new mobs or improvements and additions to existing ones, such as more variants, colors and even ages. With the recent Minecraft update introducing more wolf variants, there is one big missing piece that would be a perfect cherry on top.

In the latest Minecraft update, eight new wolf variants have been introduced, each tailored to specific biomes. Wolves also got craftable armor, offering players better customization and protection for their loyal companions. Alongside the classic gray wolf, players can now encounter nine distinct biome-specific counterparts, similar to the varied colors and fur patterns seen in cats. The introduction of different colored wolves in Minecraft has been a long time coming. However, even with these additions, there's still a missed opportunity for more interaction with the wolves.

Minecraft Player Discovers How Many Wolves It Takes to Kill a Warden

A Minecraft player discovers how many Armored Wolves that it takes to kill a Warden by blocking them into a small area with the powerful mob.

Minecraft Wolves Need More Interactivity

Minecraft offers quite a vast world, where players can traverse vast landscapes teeming with a variety of mobs. However, the interactions with wolf mobs are rather lacking. While the companionship of a loyal wolf is cherished among players, the range of available commands for these pets remains notably limited.

Whether it's commanding Minecraft mobs to sit or follow, the options for engagement are basic at best. This lack of interactive possibilities isn't confined solely to wolves though; other creatures such as cats and horses similarly offer only basic engagement mechanics, primarily centered around feeding and taming.

Possible Commands for Minecraft Wolves

When thinking about what commands and features could be introduced for wolves in Minecraft, there's plenty of potential for expanding player options. Although Minecraft's new wolf armor addition is useful, greater interaction with the wolves would make the premise of having one even better. One interesting addition could involve allowing players to instruct their wolves to guard specific areas. This feature would give players more control over their pets, letting them assign tasks like protecting homes or livestock. It not only adds practicality to the game but also strengthens the bond between players and their virtual companions.

Newcomer players often wonder if wolves in Minecraft can pick up items. The answer currently is no, despite the notion of enabling wolves to retrieve items being a rather good one. This would make them even more useful in the game, as players could send them to collect resources or pick up dropped items while exploring. It adds realism and makes resource gathering easier for players, reinforcing the idea of wolves as valuable allies on their journey.

Additionally, introducing a dog whistle item could greatly enhance player-pet interaction. This item could allow players to command their wolves from a distance, whether it's calling them over, directing them to a specific spot, or assigning tasks. It would add convenience and immersion to the game, making players feel more connected to their virtual pets.

Where to Find Every New Wolf Variant

The Pale Wolf

This is the original wolf that has been given a new name; it is found in the tagia biome.

The Rusty Wolf

Found hiding between jungle vines.

The Spotted Wolf

Found on the Savanna Plateau.

The Black Wolf

Found in old-growth pine taiga

The Striped Wolf

Found in the wooded badlands.

The Snowy Wolf

Found in the snowy tundra biome.

The Ashen Wolf

Found in the snowy taiga.

The Woods Wolf

Found in the forest biome.

The Chestnut Wolf

Found around trees of an old growth spruce taiga.

The latest Minecraft update introduces a delightful array of new wolf variants, each meticulously placed within distinct biomes. From the Pale Wolf in the taiga biome to the Snowy Wolf in the icy tundra, players can now embark on exciting adventures encountering these unique creatures. Hopefully, commands for greater interaction with these wolves will follow soon.