A particularly talented Minecraft player has recreated the iconic backdrop of an old village as pixel art, complete with an animated skybox. Minecraft has been around the block for 11 years and has seen a lot of changes to the in-game world, so this snapshot back to the past is sure to get a lot of people nostalgic.

Villages in Minecraft are an essential part of the game, having been a constant since the very first patch. Initially, these were just a small assortment of houses, which over time were populated with villagers, crop plots, and even naturally spawning golem defenders. In the beginning phases of a journey, these settlements offer lots of helpful items and even serve as emergency shelters when night falls. When a player is sufficiently strong and replete with supplies, villagers can serve as traders for emeralds and other useful goods, and as rest stops between exploration and mining.

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One community member decided to flex their creative muscles and came up with something truly special. In an online post to Reddit, user M178music shared their recreation of a modest Minecraft village during nighttime but in a pixel art form, titled "Nostalgia." The use of colors to indicate different stages of illumination is impressive as the purple shades near the edge of the village are very accurate. The art features four buildings and a crop plot growing wheat illuminated by normal torch stands, and a few stars in the sky. The most interesting part is that this art isn't an image, but a two-second-long video where the stars twinkle.

M178music's art has resonated with other users on the subreddit, as the post has garnered over 22,400 upvotes. Some players have pointed out how this pixel art looks eerily similar to the super secret settings that were available in the past. The super secret settings could be accessed from the video settings menu but were removed as the feature cost Mojang too many resources to maintain properly. Several users have praised the artist regarding the equally creative name, as they too have felt nostalgic about their past adventures in Minecraft. Only a few eagle-eyed users were able to figure out that the stars were animated.

Minecraft has been a staple of the gaming world ever since it was released a decade ago. While it is not as graphically impressive as other games, Minecraft offers various ways for players to enjoy their creative niche, both in-game and outside of it. While some may create impressive structures and elaborate Redstone machinery, other players are more proficient in creating artwork, and 3D models, and paying homage to their favorite cartoons through Minecraft. With Minecraft receiving regular updates and Minecraft Legends arriving soon, fans will have their hands full for the foreseeable future.

Minecraft is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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