In Minecraft 1.16, the Nether dimension went through a huge revamp, which was much-needed. The dimension received new biomes, new enemy types, and even a precious new resource called Netherite, which became stronger than diamond tools. Given how unpopular the Nether was for exploring, this was a massively successful update.

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That being said, there's always more that could be done to make the Nether even more of a core element of Minecraft's gameplay. There are a bunch of limitations in place that still make gameplay feel a bit stale in the Nether. Here's how the Nether still needs to be updated going forward.

7 World Generation Changes

Minecraft Nether Lava Ocean

Now that the Overworld has received its huge caves and cliffs rework, it would only seem appropriate that the Nether receive the same treatment. Although the Nether's terrain generation is already quite interesting with a massive cave-like appearance and a ceiling, there's so much more Mojang could do with it.

They could introduce more vertical biomes, with some only spawning at certain elevations, similar to the deep dark biome found in the Overworld. Alternatively, the famous Nether roof could be revamped to be an actual accessible area, rather than something players just glitch into.

6 A New Resource

Finding Netherite in the Nether of Minecraft

Netherite is a fantastic resource with a high-risk and high-reward mining method, but it doesn't have to be the only good resource found in the Nether. There are many materials that Mojang still hasn't introduced that could be added into the game, like volcanic rocks or something similar to it.

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Fantasy-themed resources would be welcome too. Perhaps another precious resource similar to diamonds, gold, or iron that could be used to make yet another tier of weapons and armor in the game? There are some cool options that Mojang could play around with here.

5 More Options To Live In The Nether

A nether portal surrounded by cobblestone in Minecraft

Right now, the game assumes that players will primarily be living in the Overworld, but that's very limiting. Players should be able to live in all three dimensions if they so wish, just to give the game a bit more variety and flavor.

The respawn anchor is already a great start in this direction, but there needs to be more biomes and options for players to truly thrive in the Nether. Food and even water could be accessible in the Nether in some way, shape, or form.

4 Another Unique Enemy Type

Piglin in a Bastion remnant Minecraft

The Nether is in dire need of new enemies, and here's why. The Piglins were a decent addition, but resemble far too much their zombie counterparts. What the Nether really needs is something completely different and new, sort of similar to how Striders, Ghasts, and Hoglins are their own unique thing.

Only the sky is the limit when it comes to new creatures. Mojang could introduce both hostile and passive beings, and the Warped Forest, in particular, seems like an interesting location choice since it only features Endermen currently, which have been in the game for a while.

3 Make Nether Wastes And Basalt Deltas Important

Minecraft Nether Wastes

Not every biome in Minecraft is necessarily useful for something, but giving them utility would make the game feel more dynamic and interesting. It would also encourage the exploration of these biomes. That's why the two worst biomes in the Nether, the Nether Wastes, and Basalt Deltas, need some sort of revamping.

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They could receive a new structure, mob type, or resource type that is unique to them. Basalt Deltas in particular are interesting because they already have a high concentration of Magma Cubes, so the design is going in the right direction. Nether Wastes, however, are a bit too vanilla still to feel important.

2 Introduce A New Structure

minecraft bastion remnant

Structures are what make this game so incredibly vibrant and interesting. The more structures Minecraft has, the better, as players will be tempted to adventure and explore. Given the popularity of adventure and RPG mods as well, it goes to show that most Minecraft players love new structures and places to explore for loot and rare enemies.

The Nether has two solid structures: Bastion Remnants and Nether Fortresses. Both are great structures, but there's still space for something else, something that could be themed around the Warped Forest which stands out from the rest of the Nether as something really unique.

1 Revamp Nether Fortresses

Minecraft Nether Fortress

Nether Fortresses are the main reason any player comes to the Nether, which is why these old, vanilla-like structures really need to be revamped. By now, most players know how these fortresses work, what's inside, and what they look like. It's high time Mojang gave them a proper facelift and made them more interesting.

Nether Fortresses should feel even more dangerous than they already are. While Blazes and Wither Skeletons are great, perhaps there could be more spawners for mobs or different types of rooms that players need to tackle, with loot inside.

Minecraft is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, and many other platforms.

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