
  • Minecraft's standard torches have always had a fixed texture, but now a modder has created an add-on pack that introduces new torch designs using every wood type in the game.
  • Minecraft offers a wide variety of wood types, each with its own unique color and aesthetic, allowing builders to fine-tune their creations.
  • The game continues to expand its selection of wood types and building materials, giving players even more options for their builds, as seen in the recent Trails and Tales update.

The many types of wood in Minecraft allow builders to fine-tune their builds with different colors and aesthetics, but the game's standard torches have always used a fixed texture until one modder recently introduced a plethora of new torches in an add-on pack for Minecraft's Bedrock Edition. While Minecraft has used various different wood types for much of its lifespan, even the most recent major updates to the game have added new tree and wood types to provide even more options for building enthusiasts.

From classic oak wood to bamboo and now even cherry wood from sakura biomes, there are plenty of wood types to be gathered in Minecraft, each with its own tints which make them useful in certain builds. Not only can players use different wood blocks and planks, but each type of wood can also be crafted into different door, fence, and trapdoor types which each feature their own looks as well. As the number of biomes in the game has increased over the years, so too has the variety of wood types, and the game's most recent Trails and Tales update proves that Mojang isn't slowing down with the addition of new wood types and building materials.

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When it comes to torches though, fans have mostly been left with little variety over the years besides the dimmer redstone torches and more recently-introduced soul torches. This inspired one talented fan of the game known online as JayCubTruth to create their own set of new torch textures which make use of every wood type in the game to date. With each of these torch designs sporting a different color for the base, the designer also thought it appropriate to create a larger torch design inspired by the real-world tiki torch, with this in-game model standing about a full block taller than a standard torch. All of these neat designs could undoubtedly benefit creative Minecraft players, and they are available to download via a free add-on pack for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

While there are few official torch designs in Minecraft, torches themselves are just one option players can use to light up their creations. While torches are easily the cheapest and most commonly used light source, Minecraft also allows players to use redstone circuitry to create sophisticated lighting systems by connecting redstone lamps. There are also a variety of natural and organic light sources present in the game now, such as glow berries which can be found illuminating the expansive lush caverns.

While fans are currently only able to get a glimpse at some of the features to come in Minecraft's next major update, the most recent snapshot version of the game also allows players to experiment with the upcoming copper bulb block, which will provide players with another simple way of illuminating their worlds. This item comes as one of many new copper appliances, most of which can be found naturally in the massive trial chamber structures that fans can get a preview of right now.