
  • Fortune and Efficiency are highly coveted tool enchantments in Minecraft, allowing players to increase drop rates and mine blocks faster, respectively.
  • Silk Touch and Unbreaking are valuable tool enchantments as well, with Silk Touch allowing players to obtain unobtainable blocks and Unbreaking increasing tool durability.
  • Mending and Luck of the Sea are also useful enchantments, but should be saved for tools with other beneficial enchantments, while Lure and Curse of Vanishing are the least favorable enchantments in the game.

The depth of Minecraft's gameplay is one of its best features, being one of the key factors behind the massive success that the franchise has enjoyed since its official release in 2011. Although crafting tools is one of the first steps to learning to play the game, more complex things like enchantments can be quite imposing for new players.

Enchanting gives important purpose to the in-game leveling system of Minecraft, allowing players to exchange levels at an enchanting table to give a range of special powers to their tools and weapons. While many fans focus on giving special attributes to their weapons, tool enchantments can also be revolutionary for the ability of a player to efficiently explore, though some tool enchantments are more attractive than others.

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S Tier


One of the most coveted enchantments for Minecraft tools is Fortune, particularly in the context of pickaxes. Fortune can be applied to tools up to a level of three, greatly increasing the drop rate of certain mined items proportionately to its level. This means that players can crucially get more diamonds from a single ore block, making some of the rarest resources in Minecraft far more plentiful. Fortune can also be applied to axes to make wood collection more efficient, or even shovels to increase the drop rate of flint from gravel. Fortune is perfect for maximizing Minecraft's resources, making it one of the best tool enchantments in the game.


Efficiency is also one of the most popular tool enchantments, being able to be applied to tools up to a level of five. With each level, Efficiency increases the speed at which tools can mine blocks. Efficiency 5 makes mining tough blocks like obsidian a breeze. While mining is one of the core components of Minecraft, it can quickly become a monotonous task, especially when a player is just stockpiling resources, so having a tool with an Efficiency enchantment opens up a lot more time for exploring, making it an invaluable attribute.

A Tier

Silk Touch

Silk Touch has fewer obvious benefits when compared to Fortune or Efficiency, yet still sits as a fantastic tool enchantment in Minecraft. This enchantment only possesses a single potential level, and allows players to mine certain blocks that are otherwise unobtainable with non-enchanted tools. Silk Touch is often used to pick up things like ice blocks, glass, and bookshelves without breaking them. It's also one of the few ways to obtain a variety of uncraftable Minecraft blocks, making it a great tool enchantment for decorative purposes.


The Unbreaking enchantment is more comparable to Fortune and Efficiency in its simplicity, making a given tool much more durable up to a level of three. While tools made out of scarce resources like diamond or netherite are already quite durable, Unbreaking allows players to use them with less hesitation, then being able to use other valuable resources for other purposes. Unbreaking can be an extremely valuable enchantment, but should be saved for tools that already have other sought-after enchantments, serving as a great way to increase the longevity of a player's favorite tools nonetheless.

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B Tier


The Mending enchantment is also a great way to increase the durability of a given item, and can only be found in the form of a book through exploration, fishing, or villager trading. Mending turns any gained experience into a fuel that repairs the tool it has enchanted, essentially allowing a tool with Mending to last indefinitely as long as the player earns experience with it. This comes at the cost of experience not counting towards a player's level, making enchanting other tools a more difficult task. While Mending can be very valuable on the right Minecraft tool, it is again only worth using on items that already have other beneficial enchantments, making it less high-ranking in its own right.

Luck of the Sea

The Luck of the Sea enchantment is one of the more obscure tool enchantments, only being applicable to Minecraft's fishing rods. Minecraft's fishing mechanic is a great way to stockpile food, but can also be a way to find rare treasure with a bit of good fortune. Luck of the Sea greatly increases the chance of a fishing pull resulting in a treasure find up to a level of three, being a great addition to any fishing rod for players who can spare the experience. With Luck of the Sea, players are more likely to find things like name tags or enchanted books. The rating of the enchantment is only hampered by its restriction to fishing rods.

C Tier


The Lure enchantment is another fishing rod-specific mechanic, applicable up to a level of three. Unlike Luck of the Sea, Lure has no impact on what kinds of pulls players can get from fishing, but it simply decreases the time between bites. A good Lure enchantment can be perfect for quickly gathering fish before heading on an adventure, but players are just as likely to gain junk items from fishing with Lure active, making it one of the least favorable tool enchantments.

Curse of Vanishing

The Curse of Vanishing enchantment is one of the strangest in Minecraft, being applicable to a wide range of items and only being found via exploration or trading. As opposed to having a positive impact on the player, Curse of Vanishing makes an impacted item disappear upon the player's death. With no way of re-obtaining the item after death and no way of removing the enchantment once it is placed, the Curse of Vanishing is more of a joke enchantment or one to give even more challenge to veteran Minecraft players, making it the least favorable tool enchantment in the game.