Minecraft is a game that is constantly being improved upon through updates that add features, blocks, and mobs, while removing any glitches or bugs, making it a perpetually growing game with new content coming out about once a year. This steady stream of new content is what has kept a lot of Minecraft players active on the game for years.

In recent years, Mojang has given players new updates focused on both the Overworld (Minecraft’s regular Earth dimension) and the Nether (Minecraft’s equivalent of Hell) by adding new biomes, mobs, blocks, and items that will change the way the game is played. The next update, dubbed The Wild Update, has already been announced and will once again focus on improving parts of the Overworld. However, players are itching at the possibility of an overhaul of the End Dimension, as it is the only dimension on Minecraft that has not been given a complete update since its launch.

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Minecraft's End Dimension

Minecraft End Cropped (1)

The End Dimension is the location of the main boss fight in Minecraft, The Ender Dragon, and marks the end of the natural progression of the game. The dimension is filled with islands that float above an empty void, the horrifying Enderman mob, and countless End Cities that hide some of the best late-game loot. When players enter the dimension, they will automatically start off the Ender Dragon fight and must defeat it to gain access to portals that will take them to the outer islands of the End, the only place where the End Cities spawn.

The End Dimension is a barren wasteland with dangers stemming from two kinds of mobs, the Enderman and Shulkers, the latter of which only spawns within End Cities. These Cities also have extremely valuable loot, including the Elytra, a pair of wings that allows players to fly, and dragon heads that can be worn or simply placed as an ornament. However, even with all of this, the End Dimension remains bland when compared to the Overworld or even the Nether.

What An End Update Could Look Like

Minecraft Ender Forest

Like the Nether, which received an update that brought various biomes, mobs, and blocks that made exploring the dimension more enjoyable and dangerous, the End is in desperate need of an update. Adding new biomes and blocks can greatly improve the amount of time players will spend in this dimension and make it more challenging for players to find the End Cities following the Ender Dragon fight.

Since the End is already filled with floating islands, having some of these islands be different biomes with unique blocks and mobs that players can come across will make exploring the end more rewarding. The mobs can be variants of the Enderman mob and even smaller versions of the Ender Dragon that drop special loot to summon an Ender Dragon anywhere outside the End Dimension, like the Wither Skeletons of the Nether.

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Will Mojang Release An End Update?

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Mojang has a history of implementing updates that keep players occupied for months to years with new features and content. For example, following update 1.13, dubbed Update Aquatica, players spent a long time finding the newly added Ocean Monuments and exploring the different biomes added to the Oceans. Mojang also spends more time updating the Overworld than any of the other dimensions, which makes sense since the Overworld is not only the most populated dimension in terms of biome and mob diversity, but is also the dimension where players spend most of their time.

However, recent updates have all served to update the Overworld, starting with the Caves and Cliffs update (1.17 and 1.18), and the next scheduled update is set to update the deepest parts of the Overworld and the Swamp biome. This could mean that Mojang has plans to change it up and work on other areas of the game soon. This could lead to an update for the End Dimension, or even the addition of different dimensions more like the End than the Nether, something that has been rumored for quite a while.

Another reason that an End update could be in the works is the increase in End Dimension Mods on

Minecraft: Java Edition. Prior to the announcement and release of the Nether update, Nether expansion mods popped up all over the internet that made the Nether more diverse. Mojang, which keeps track and encourages the creation of mods, decided to update the Nether since that update was something the players wanted, so there is a strong possibility that an End update could already be in the works.

Perhaps the most attractive reason for Mojang to release an End Update is how easy it would be to implement the update in existing worlds. When a new update drops, players will need to travel thousands of blocks in undiscovered territory for the new features to spawn in without having to start a new world. In the End, this is as easy as defeating the Ender Dragon and unlocking a new portal. This means that an End update will not require players to abandon a world they have been working on for countless hours, making it much more accessible for players that simply want to experience the features before starting up a new world.

Mojang is one of the few companies that takes a lot of feedback from its player base by examining different mods created for Minecraft. It has a proven track record of putting out meaningful content through updates that can change the way players build, explore, and fight in the different dimensions of the game. As more updates for the Overworld continue to come out, it feels as if it is simply a matter of time before Minecraft gets a complete overhaul of the End Dimension, giving players more to do in the already massive worlds of the widely successful game.

Minecraft is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE:There Are Plenty of Reasons to Look Forward to Minecraft's The Wild Update