For years, fans have been using Minecraft to recreate epic scenes in movies or replicas of real-life buildings. Now, fans are creating new landscapes for their friends to meet up online. Thanks to the ever-growing threat of COVID-19, many events have been canceled, including school graduations. This would have been a major loss for most students, but a school in Japan is using the game to help students graduate from elementary school.

The shocking amount of events canceled in the last few weeks has risen to any event over 200 people. A recent report shows that events with as little as 50 people or more should be canceled. Japan's schools have been closed for the last two weeks, even though most would have graduated by the end of this month. But this wasn't stopping a group of students from graduating.

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Without the help of parents or teachers, the graduating class decided that they would recreate the ceremony in Minecraft to play with their friends. Twitter user @backyennew posted photos and videos of the kids laughing and having fun in the game. In a rough translation, they said "The kids have been playing all day long, playing games and laughing. It looks like a lot of fun."

"The assembly hall is really well made," @backyennew added gleefully. The tweets gained appreciation and praise from many on Twitter. One user said, "All of the parents are teleworking, while the kids are tele-graduating". Users commented on how amazing it is to see games where kids can play in their own virtual space.

Minecraft has been used more recently to help create spaces for users to gather under times of duress. One such place is the Uncensored Library, which is a great tool for those in countries with limited or highly censored media. Some countries will ban websites with dissenting opinions, and the Uncensored Library gives these opinions a place to live on.

With an average player count of 145 million a month, Minecraft is the best game to find limitless possibilities. From something as nerdy as recreating video games, to as wonderful as helping a few students graduate, Minecraft has continued to help many fans during a time of global unrest.

Minecraft is available now on mobile devices, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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Sources: IGN, SoraNews24