The Recovery Compass is an item that was added to Minecraft as part of its 1.19 "The Wild" update, and indeed it can be quite useful. That said, some players may be unclear about how to approach crafting this item, while others may have questions about exactly what it does. Fortunately, Minecraft's Recovery Compass is not particularly complex, and this guide contains all the details on the item that players should know.

How to Craft a Recovery Compass in Minecraft

The first step toward crafting a Recovery Compass is to obtain a regular Compass, and that can be done in several ways. The easiest of those ways is simply to craft a Compass by combining four Iron Ingots with one Redstone Dust in Minecraft. More specifically, players should place the Redstone Dust in the center of the crafting grid and then put the Iron Ingots above it, below it, to its left, and to its right.

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With a Compass in hand, players are ready to move onto the next phase of crafting a Recovery Compass: obtaining eight Echo Shards. These items can only be found in chests in Ancient Cities, large underground structures that have a chance to spawn at layer -52 in Deep Dark biomes. While there is no guaranteed method for locating Ancient Cities in Minecraft, players that spend some time exploring caves, particularly those that appear beneath large mountains, should eventually encounter one.

minecraft recovery compass

After finding a Deep Dark biome in Minecraft, entering an Ancient City, and looting eight Echo Shards from its chests, fans will have everything that they need to craft a Recovery Compass. Again this is performed in the crafting grid, and players should place a regular Compass in the middle and then surround it with Echo Shards. Indeed, this marks the end of the process, and fans will now be ready to use the item as needed.

What Does the Recovery Compass Do in Minecraft

With respect to the Recovery Compass's functionality, it points players in the direction of their most recent death. This allows fans to easily resume their adventuring if they should die while exploring, and it is recommended that players keep Recovery Compasses in chests near their spawn points to make this process very streamlined. Notably, these special Compasses only work when the player is in the dimension where they died, and their needles will spin randomly in all other Minecraft dimensions.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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