For years, players have created thriving settlements in Survival worlds in Minecraft. While succeeding in these procedurally generated worlds can often be fun, it is not without challenges. One of the difficulties often encountered by gamers is hostile mobs.Hostile mobs are dangerous to players as they attack when encountered in the game. Gamers have had countless run-ins with these creatures as many spawn across numerous areas of the game world. Among the most notable of these mobs found in Minecraft are the Enderman, Creeper, Skeleton, and Zombie. Recently, one creative fan decided to immortalize these classic monsters in a work of art.RELATED: Minecraft Player Revisits Old Xbox One World and Instantly DiesIn a post on Reddit, a user known as md_yeamin-habib shared a picture of a project they worked on in Minecraft. In the screenshot from the creator, it was revealed that they had built the famous landmark Mount Rushmore. However, there was one significant difference between the actual monument and the one constructed by the Reddit user: they had replaced the US presidents with hostile mobs found in Minecraft.

While md_yeamin-habib constructed a mountainside that looked like the actual Mount Rushmore, the faces on the mountain were of a Creeper, Enderman, Zombie, and Skeleton. One highlight of the design was that the creator made each Minecraft mob recognizable despite keeping everything a gray color to reflect the mountain. This was done by recreating the distinctive facial features of each monster. For example, the Enderman was the only one to have eyes with pupils and no mouth. Furthermore, the Skeleton had its trademark hollow stare.

This unusual recreation of Mount Rushmore created by md_yeamin-habib piqued the curiosity of numerous members of the Minecraft community on Reddit. With over 1,000 upvotes in less than a day, many found the unique build intriguing. Unsurprisingly, some fans started coming up with alternative names for the famous monument. “So… Mount Rushmob?” one fan suggested. In addition, one gamer pointed out that the creator had managed to make the tallest mob, the Enderman, larger than the other heads on the cliffside. While many liked the build, one gamer suggested that the creator should add a fifth head, this time of a Cave Spider found in Minecraft.

It seems as though creative fans never cease to come up with unique and often amusing builds in Minecraft. In addition to this recreation of Mount Rushmore, another fan shared a picture of an Italian pizza oven they built in the game. As players inevitably continue to build in Minecraft in the weeks ahead, it will be interesting to see what other creations are shared with the community.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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