When players load into a Minecraft world, they'll encounter a wide variety of mobs. Passive mobs are known as creatures that don't attack the player back, even when they take damage from the player. This makes them different from neutral mobs, that start out passive but can turn aggressive when harmed.

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The game has many iconic passive mobs that have existed throughout the years, but some of them are long overdue for some sort of revamp in Minecraft. Others are perfectly fine as they are, but have the potential to become even better if they were reworked by Mojang.

7 Pigs

Minecraft Player On A Pig

Pigs are set apart from sheep, cows, and chickens when it comes to farm animals that players can breed for food. First of all, they are more expensive to breed since players first need to find carrots or beetroot to breed them, both of which can be difficult to come across naturally if the player can't find a village.

Secondly, pigs are the only animal that doesn't drop a utility item. Sheep provide wool, chickens give feathers and cows drop leather. Pigs, however, don't have any sort of utility, other than they can function as mounts with a saddle and a carrot on a stick. However, given the existence of horses, riding a pig is a bit redundant.

With all this in mind, perhaps pigs should start dropping a new item that would make them a better mob to farm early on for utility reasons.

6 Rabbits

Minecraft Rabbit

Rabbits are another type of mob that is extremely unrewarding to farm. Now, granted, rabbits will at least drop a rabbit hide, which can be turned into leather, and on rare occasions, they will also drop a rabbit's foot used in brewing potions. Moreover, rabbit meat can be cooked as emergency food in a pinch, but isn't the best food item in Minecraft.

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On the bright side, rabbits are easy to tempt with dandelions, but what's the point in breeding them? Their loot drops are so niche that most of the time players only breed them to get the achievement that has them breed every animal in the game.

Rabbits need some sort of buff that would make them a viable choice again. Perhaps they could passively drop a bit of wool for the player.

5 Parrots

Minecraft Parrots

Parrots are a colorful addition to the jungle biomes of Minecraft, and they're easily tempted with regular seeds. That being said, parrots don't really have much of a utility. One could argue that they act as an early alarm system since they'll start imitating enemies nearby making noises, but this could also just freak the player out on accident. Thankfully, this should happen less often thanks to Mojang's recent changes.

Parrots can sit on the player's shoulder, which is a cool visual feature, as well as dance to jukebox music and change color, but otherwise they're a bit lackluster. Considering that parrots are able to fly, they could have some additional functionality that makes them special and useful for the player, perhaps something similar to the Allays where they can track down items.

4 Fish

minecraft ocean tropical fish

Currently, there are four types of fish in the game that appear in the player's inventory: cod, salmon, pufferfish and tropical fish. The latter is especially in need of a minor revamp, given their limited use as food items. The saddest part about tropical fish is that while in the water, there are several different species, but once in the inventory, they all look the same.

Perhaps Mojang could give tropical fish a bit of a boost by differentiating a few species that already appear underwater. Then, depending on which fish the player catches, they can use it to brew a special potion. The game could use some new potion recipes, but on the other hand, it might make the already big brewing system even more convoluted. Still, it's a cool concept to consider for a potential revamp.

3 Squid

Minecraft Squid

The good old squid has been in Minecraft for an eternity, and in the community, it has always been seen as somewhat of a dumb mob that often gets itself killed by accident by swimming into the wrong place. It's all a bit sad, which is why the squid is in dire need of a revamp to restore its glory.

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The squid already has decently good utility, as it's the primary source of black dye thanks to its ink sacs. The glow squid variant is also a cool addition to the game to bring some additional spice to squids in general. The biggest improvement, however, would be the ability to breed and farm squids and actually kill them for food.

The food items in Minecraft could use a bit more seafood variety, and with the squid such a basic mob, this is the perfect opportunity to give it a better role in the game.

2 Turtles

minecraft turtles and eggs

Turtles are a pretty great mob as they are. In fact, their mechanics are brilliant and don't really need to get changed. Breeding them and creating a turtle farm is a whole unique experience thanks to the turtle eggs and home beach mechanics that are baked into the game. That being said, turtles fall into a trap that many mobs tend to fall into in Minecraft. Their by-product ends up being so niche that it doesn't really matter if players breed turtles or not.

Scutes, dropped by baby turtles can be used to make a turtle shell, which can be used as a helmet. It's not a very good helmet compared to other helmets in the game, though it also works as a brewing ingredient for a very niche potion called the Potion of the Turtle Master. This potion slows players down significantly but gives them high damage resistance.

Turtles could be given some sort of additional utility. So long as diamonds and netherite are a feature in the game, the turtle shell is unlikely to be useful, which is why turtles need to drop something additional, such as a type of food or even a different potion-making ingredient.

1 Snow Golems

A snow golem looking at at a Minecraft player

This bizarre mob can be spawned by the player if they place two snow blocks on top of each other and a carved pumpkin head on top of it. The snow golem has no purpose in life, other than to move around and leave a trail of snow behind, though some resourceful players have used it to farm snow.

The snow golem will also attack certain enemies in the game, but given how weak it is, it's not exactly a great security system compared to the mighty iron golem. Snow golems either need to be buffed or need to get some new utility that would make them farmable or a necessity for players. Just as they create snow, maybe they could create ice, too, since ice has even more utility than snow.

Minecraft is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, and many other platforms.

MORE: Minecraft: Every Single Potion Recipe