
  • The End realm in Minecraft is highly complex and enigmatic, making it a popular choice for a major update, although it's uncertain if it will happen.
  • The End is different from other biomes and realms, serving as the final stage for players, and an update would likely only be experienced by committed players.
  • Reaching The End is a difficult journey, requiring players to navigate the Nether, defeat bosses, and construct the End portal, so adding more content would be limiting unless Mojang targeted the method of entry.

Though there are many areas of Minecraft that could take the spotlight for one of Mojang's major updates, many fans have been wanting to see The End realm get a major touch-up, but this ultimately seems unlikely. The End is arguably the most enigmatic and enticing realm Minecraft has to offer, not least because of the complexity players face in reaching it or the Ender Dragon itself, as well as the mysterious cities, strange mobs, and various highly-valued items. It's for this reason that the case for an update to The End might still be undecided.

Minecraft's The End is unlike other biomes and realms. Between the many different biomes in the Overworld to the four within the Nether, The End is exactly as its namesake entails and serves as the final realm players will venture to if they progress through Minecraft like a traditional video game. As Minecraft's proxy finale and literal endgame stage, it's highly unlikely the End will receive an update as any new content would only be seen by the most committed players.

RELATED: Minecraft Needs More Bosses Like the Ender Dragon

The End Poses High Risks for Little Reward

Minecraft 1.9 Combat Update - The End

In order for players to visit the Nether, their only requirement is ordinarily to have graduated to diamond gear and mined enough Obsidian to either build their own portal or repair a ruined one. Once lit with a standard Flint and Steel, players will have free roam of the Nether provided they're willing to brave lava oceans or hordes of hostile mobs. Compared to The End, however, reaching the Nether and navigating it is much simpler. Not only because items needed to even travel to The End lie within the Nether itself, but when players get there, they are thrown into Minecraft's final boss fight

With players required to defeat Endermen and Nether Fortress' Blazes in order to craft Eyes of Ender, follow the directions they give to find a buried Stronghold in the Overworld, and reconstruct The End portal, the bar for reaching The End is already high. To then have to first defeat the Ender Dragon in order to safely explore the rest of the almost empty realm is yet another challenge to players. While the rewards Minecraft offers players for overcoming everything are coveted, an update that would add more content behind all these obstacles would limit them to only the most experienced and determined of players.

Is There No End Update In Sight?


Since most of Mojang's updates have always focused on improving the overall Minecraft experience for all its players, it would stand to reason that future updates would follow in the same vein. With its last few updates introducing all-new biomes, structures, and mechanics to the Overworld, it's more likely that Mojang will continue to expand and improve this realm before any significant changes were considered elsewhere, especially for somewhere like The End. As few players ever actually reach The End whether out of choice or out of their comfort zone, it would make sense to update Minecraft in ways every player, experienced or inexperienced, can enjoy.

However, if The End ever deserves an update, Mojang could tackle the key contention of how difficult it actually is to reach The End for newer players not fully familiar with Minecraft. As unlikely as it might be, simplifying the process somewhat such as making Eyes of Ender obtainable via alternative means or reworking how Strongholds are generated in the Overworld could help novice players access The End. If this was the case, then Mojang would have the grounds to then turn the main focus of an update to the biome itself and expand everything from its structures to its loot.

Minecraft is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Nightingale’s Dimension System Could Spice Up Minecraft’s End