Minecraft worlds become more varied and exciting with each new update. Be it the ground players walk on or the caves that lay beneath, some part of a world gets an addition or two every now and then. Discovering new stuff is half the fun of Minecraft, after all, and it sparks creativity in players as to what giant creation they could build next.

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With a steady supply of updates, players are always wanting more for their favorite game, and there are plenty of opportunities for Mojang to provide. The Wild Update, promised for 2022, looks to overhaul the look of many existing biomes significantly, as well as add a few new ones. This has naturally got players dreaming up all sorts of ideas for what cool biomes could be coming players' way soon.

10 Giant Redwood Forest

Minecraft Giant Redwood Forest

Sometimes less is more, other times bigger is better, and the latter is definitely the case for Giant Redwoods. When people ask for new biomes, one of the more common desires is a sprawling forest filled with absolutely gigantic trees.

The 2 by 2 Spruce and Jungle trees give a bit of this feeling when exploring the right biomes, but it's nothing compared to what modders have created. Trees that rise upwards of 50 blocks into the sky, leaving players looking up in awe at the beauty of Minecraft's natural environment.

9 Oasis

Minecraft Desert Oasis

While Deserts were once prime places for exploration, thanks to Desert Temples and Villages, as other biomes have gotten major updates, Deserts have fallen behind significantly. No longer are they exciting places to roam. Instead, they seem pretty dull in comparison to what else is out there.

Adding the potential for a small Oasis biome to spawn would help bring them back into the spotlight. A pretty simple idea, this biome would feature a decent-sized lake and a little bit of greenery surrounding it. It would be a joyous thing to stumble upon in a massive desert and would be a nice excuse to add Palm Trees.

8 Icy Caves

Minecraft Icy Caves

With the Caves & Cliffs Update, underground biomes are officially incoming. This also means that players will want a good selection of those to come in future updates. Lush biomes and the promised Deep Dark are a great place to start, but longevity is going to require a little more.

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This makes Icy Caves a great place to start. Minecraft has a whole host of cold biomes and winter wonderland, so having the terrain underneath be similarly freezing would be a tremendous aesthetic change that makes exploring underground a more exciting prospect.

7 Coastal Wetlands

Minecraft Coastal Wetlands

One of the Wild Update's more intriguing new blocks is Mud Blocks. These damp blocks have some building potential but can also be turned into a renewable source of Clay. However, their biggest potential comes with new biomes where they'd fit perfectly.

Swamp biomes already invoke a lot of Wetland vibes, especially with Mangrove Trees being added, but there's still potential to do more. These Coastal Wetlands could spawn on land next to oceans and be notably waterlogged, but much flatter, block-dense, and tree-sparse than Swamps. There could even be mechanical benefits, like crops growing quicker in a Wetlands biome.

6 Tropical Island

Minecraft Tropical Island

When sailing the seven seas of Minecraft, it's common for players to stumble across tiny islands jutting out of the water. These can range from just a few blocks to a livable landmass, but they're never exciting to look at.

There's an easy way to make these islands more interesting (other than making Mushroom Islands more common), and that's making them more tropical. Once again, an excuse to add Palm Trees, these Tropical Islands don't seem like they'd take much effort and would vastly improve a boring area of the world.

5 Volcano

Minecraft Volcano

What's life without a bit of danger? Finding little pools of lava out in the world is always an exciting find (and a joy to most speedrunners), so scaling them up seems like a simple thing to do. They can be pretty rare, but plenty of players would be easily awe-struck by a lava-spewing mountain spawning before them.

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They don't have to be massively over-the-top of dangerous - adding things like eruptions would probably be a bit much - but a mountain with basalt with lava pouring down it would be an awesome place to set up a base.

4 Crater

Minecraft Crater

Rather than something sticking out of the ground, how about the opposite? Sometimes, finding a lack of something can be more striking than an abundance of it. Players have been marveling over funny bits of terrain generation or chunk errors where the world fails to load in, so making something that's similar but intentional seems like a great idea.

The look of a massive hole in the ground would be striking enough, but putting something inside it would be a great idea too. Maybe a meteor has struck the Earth, or a Ruined Nether Portal spawns at the bottom. Anything that piques players' interest and encourages them to dive in.

3 Dead Forest

Minecraft Dead Forest

While most ideas for new biomes are largely sprawling and beautiful, there is room for something a little less optimistic. Perfect for a biome near an aforementioned Volcano or Crater, the Dead Forest would be a somewhat eerie biome where things don't feel right.

Trees with no leaves, a field of dead grass, and no wildlife in sight would greet players in the Dead Forest. Mojang could even take this further and have Illager bases spawn here or little Piglin outposts, implying the citizens of the Nether have come up and ruined a part of the Overworld.

2 Floating Islands

Minecraft Floating Island

The one area of Minecraft worlds that have always been entirely empty is the sky. Admittedly, there aren't many good ideas for things to put in the sky, other than a potential Aether Dimension. That said, a rare little treat for players who bother to look up would be nice.

These would be similar in style to Terraria's Sky Islands, where a small landmass would be floating above the ground, maybe with a lake or some treasure up there. They would have to be pretty rare to ensure the game's skylines stay clear for players who like to build tall, but now the world height has been increased, that doesn't seem like a huge issue.

1 Ender Forest

Minecraft Ender Forest

While the Nether finally got the big update players wanted with 1.16, The End is still disappointingly plain. This is arguably by design, as the eerie quietness of the dimension is arguably the point. However, once players have been to an End City to get their Elytra, there isn't any reason to return.

Adding some new biomes, with various new blocks, like what Mojang did with the Nether Update, would massively increase the dimension's potential. Plenty of mods have added biomes to the end that properly exploit the weird and non-sensical nature of the dimension, but even something as simple as a shadowy forest with dark-purple trees would immediately make it better.

Minecraft was released on November 16, 2011, and is available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, and many other platforms.

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