Mojang has revealed a few features from its upcoming Minecraft update, 1.20, including the camel - a new mount mob that will make journeying across the desert biome a lot easier and safer. Update 1.20 will bring a few new blocks and items into the game, including rafts and a new bookshelf, though it is the new mob that has fans most excited. With camels making their way into the game, many players are hoping that each new update following Minecraft 1.20 will bring in even more mount mobs.

One of the most tiresome and dangerous things to do in Minecraft is exploring the world, as it can often lead to either a player getting lost or dying far away from their respawn point. While horses have been the only mobs players really use to get around, camels will likely specialize at moving across the desert biomes. As more updates will continue to be rolled out following Minecraft 1.20, fans want more options for mount mobs that could make getting around certain biomes a lot easier.

RELATED:Other Features Minecraft 1.20 Could Add to the Desert Biome

End Dimension Mounts

Minecraft Endermen Among Chorus Trees

During the Nether Update, Minecraft added a lot of changes, including a new mount mob that made it a lot easier to cross the large lava lakes: Striders. This made surviving and traveling in the Nether a lot easier, and while the dimension is still full of threats, the striders made it more worthwhile to explore. There is a similar problem for the End Dimension where players will oftentimes encounter large areas of the dimension filled with void, forcing players to bridge across or use their Elytra.

An End Dimension mount could help change all this by giving players a new way to cross the giant gaps in the landscapes. Having a mount mob in this dimension makes perfect sense, especially since there is already a food source that can be used to tame the mob, the chorus fruit. In fact, the mob could simply use the chorus fruit’s teleport ability to get around and travel between islands, giving the fruit a lot more usability and importance in Minecraft.

Elephants & A Jungle Update

Minecraft Jungle Biome

Jungle biomes are one of the most underrated biomes in Minecraft, providing players with ample amounts of wood, food, and resources that can boost any survival playthrough. Starting out in this biome gives players access to watermelons, bamboo, and vines, which help greatly in the first few days and provide great building material. However, traversing the jungle biome is a bit trickier, especially due to the densely packed bamboo portions of the biome and the low-lying trees that force players to jump over or break through.

Elephants would be a great way to get around the jungles in Minecraft since their large build could easily break through bamboo and travel over the small trees. Further, riding elephants could keep players safe from dangers on the ground, similar to a camel, and could also mean that the jungle could get a new food source, such as bananas, that only grows in taller trees. This would make the elephant important for any player starting out in the jungle biome and useful for players looking to get between places quickly without having to worry about obstacles in their path.

Yaks & Snowy Taiga Update

Minecraft Snowy Taiga

The Caves & Cliffs update gave Minecraft players new vertical limits to soar to as well as deeper caves to dwell into, but it also made traversing through snowy biomes a lot harder. With the new snow blocks added into Minecraft, players traversing the snowy regions of their world will find themselves sinking into the powder snow block. This makes moving around biomes such as snowy taiga annoying for players, and in rare cases, it could also be deadly.

To help players with this, Minecraft could add in a yak that could be ridden to avoid the packed snow and easily get up and down hills or mountains. These mobs could also be used to carry items and guided, like Llamas, to the player’s base. They could even defend the player, similar to wolves, by attacking any mob that damages the player, making them perfect for getting around during the night or on PVP servers.

Following the release of Minecraft update 1.20, fans are hoping that Mojang continues to release more mount mobs to make traversing through the varied landscapes of Minecraft a little easier. While horses, Llamas, and pigs are good mounts, they do not offer the protection that comes with camels or the usability that other mounts could bring to the table. As a result, Mojang should consider adding biome-specific mounts to help traverse the dangers of the different biomes in Minecraft.

Minecraft is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, and many other devices.

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