Minecraft Live 2022 revealed a lot to Minecraft fans around the world, from the new gameplay of Minecraft Legends to a few new features coming to the 1.20 update. All these reveals, however, were trumped by the new mob coming to Minecraft’s desert, the ridable camel, that will give players a unique experience. Camels have the potential to be the best mount in the game with all the unique features associated with it and bring life to the otherwise dull desert biome in Minecraft.

There are already a few mounts in Minecraft, with horses being the most popular due to the speed at which they can move around the overworld. However, each of these mobs seems to have similar mount mechanics and does not offer a lot apart from a boost of speed or the ability to travel over areas that the player simply cannot. So, by introducing the camel which has slightly different mechanics, Minecraft is giving its players a new mount experience and allowing them to explore the world differently.

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Minecraft’s Mounts


Minecraft currently has five mounts, three of which can be found in the overworld, and one in the Nether. Horses are the most common type of mount in Minecraft, giving players access to a mob that is much faster than simply walking around along with a higher jump to get over certain obstacles. Llamas and donkeys are much slower than horses and do not possess the same jump ability, and while they are mounts in Minecraft, most players use them for moveable storage by adding a chest rather than a saddle.

The two other mounts in Minecraft are slightly different from the horse, llama, donkey, and even the upcoming camel. The pig and the strider are both mounts, however, they cannot simply be tamed and controlled, instead, players need to use a fishing rod with an item at the end to entice the mob to move in a particular direction. Of these final two, the strider is by far the most useful since it can help players cross the lakes of lava in the Nether, making it much easier and safer to get around.

Minecraft’s Camels

Image from Minecraft showing a happy camel lying down on the sand.

One of the best features about camels is that they are too tall for most hostile mobs to reach the player riding them. This is especially useful in the desert biome where mobs can easily spot the player and quickly overwhelm the player, but thanks to the height advantage of the camels, players can remain safe and take out any mobs without worrying about damage. While mobs like skeletons and creepers will still pose a threat, players should be able to easily outrun these mobs, especially with the new dash feature.

Another great addition to the camel is its ability to carry two players simultaneously, making it the perfect mount for multiplayer servers on Minecraft. This feature completely sets it apart from the other mounts in the game as it allows players to easily travel the world together without having to worry about getting lost or having a horse that is slower than their friends' mount. On top of this, it makes hunting down mobs a lot easier as one player can control the camel while the other can target and take out enemies, ensuring that both the riders and the camel remain safe.

Minecraft’s update 1.20 will shake up the hierarchy of mounts in the overworld that has been ruled over by horses. While there is no concrete release date for update 1.20, Mojang has promised that players will be able to experience all the mechanics of the camel only a few days after Minecraft Live 2022, when the first snapshots for 1.20 release.

Minecraft is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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