There are 12 commandable mobs in Minecraft Legends, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. However, as players proceed throughout the campaign, the distinction between the earliest and the best mobs becomes clear. In Minecraft Legends' PvP mode, there is some more sway due to the nature of its strategy elements, but there are some mobs players are always going to prefer in their army.

After all, the large bases in Minecraft Legends are already quite complex, and players will be resupplying their armies constantly. How constant comes down to if players chose the best mob for the job. The same thing goes for the various boss mobs of Minecraft Legends, and knowing which mob to use when facing them is important.

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S Tier


Skeletons - These mobs are THE defensive unit of Minecraft Legends. As players expand their army and consider defense for their Zombies, Cobblestone Golems, and other mobs, Skeletons are a must. Players should allocate a solid portion of their armies to Skeletons whenever they can. There is a reason they cost diamonds to summon in Minecraft Legends. Their big weakness is melee attacks, but their range is the longest of any mob, putting them at a safe distance in every fight.

Skeletons are the best mob to use against the final boss of Minecraft Legends.

Zombies - These mobs are to Cobblestone Golems what Skeletons are to Plank Golems, almost. Zombies deal melee damage and have a lot of health, meaning they are the best mob for long-haul fights where players must destroy several structures in a single run. They will outlast other mobs and serve as the best tank on the field.

First of Oak - This legendary mob is a defensive unit on par with Skeletons. The First Mobs in Minecraft Legends will always join a player at a Wellhouse and other spawns, and do not cost resources to carry into battle. Because of this, the First of Oak is basically a free, defensive, and ranged unit that perfectly complements the rest of the army.

A Tier


Warrior - Warriors are the strongest mob in Minecraft Legends, dealing the most damage of any unit. What's more, they don't cost resources as players are able to gather this mob from Villages, really expanding the strength of their army every time. However, Warriors have two significant drawbacks that prevent them from being in the S Tier. Players unlock them so late in the story that their use, while fun, is limited throughout the game. In fact, while they are a free addition to any army and are a big DPS buff, they're largely forgettable since players cannot summon them too.

Cobblestone Golem - One of the first units players get in Minecraft Legends should and will be a staple through the end of the game. Cobblestone Golems deal tons of damage to structures, and strategically, they're good no matter the plan. Players can fill their armies with this mob and blitz straight through enemy defenses, or create a balanced army that proceeds strategically through the defense.

First of Stone - The First of Stone throws large boulders at enemies and, because it is a free mob, is a great addition to the army. It's great against singular targets and boss mobs, but it's not as effective as other defensive units in various other scenarios, barely holding it back from S-Tier.

First of Brick - The First of Brick is another support unit that can knock back enemies and shield mobs and players from ranged attacks. These two elements are incredibly helpful, if somewhat circumstantial. The latter really only comes into play if the First of Brick sets it up right and if it's needed, which is not always the case. The former ability is the most helpful, but it depends on what is happening with enemy units too. It's great, especially because it's free, but because its strategies are largely circumstantial, it's either a boon or just an additional unit.

B Tier

minecraft legends creeper

Mossy Golems - Mossy Golems are the only mob capable of healing others, including the player. They no doubt have their benefits and help extend an assault, but their drawback is the need for numbers. One Mossy Golem, after players expand their army some, isn't enough. Players will want at least five of these to make a dent, more to really do their job, and those numbers are oftentimes better allocated to something more offensive or defensive.

Plank Golem - Plank Golems are the first ranged unit players will operate with, and while they will work if players don't have the resources for Skeletons, there is no real reason to choose them as the defensive unit once players form an alliance with Skeletons. These must be used in the early game, but by the end of the campaign, players should always be opting for Skeletons.

Creepers - The iconic Creeper returns as an ally in Minecraft Legends, and they are an effective mob in some scenarios. The problem, of course, lies in their short shelf lives. Since they explode to deal damage to enemies and structures, the more players build, the bigger hit their army takes shortly into battle. This leaves the other mobs with less defense and offense. Now, Creepers can be effective if players build an army of them, charge in, target structures and enemies, and want to rush back out. But that requires a level of running back and forth that's not always worth it when other mobs can get the job done too.

First of Diorite - This First mob falls behind the others for one key reason: it adds random qualifiers to a strategy. The First of Diorite will spawn other mobs, which can help extend a battle, keep enemies distracted while players go and summon more, and offer support when in the trenches. But because players cannot control what mobs the First of Diorite will summon, players will sometimes get Plank Golems and Grindstone Golems that, while helpful, just don't add much near the game's finale.

C Tier


Grindstone Golem - Players will unlock the Grindstone Golem pretty early on, and at the time, they offer players a solid defense for their other mobs. However, they are quickly outpaced by pretty much everything. They are good against ranged enemy mobs and can stun nearby enemies, but so is the First of Brick which players can carry into battle for free. Zombies' ability to tank means they are better against enemies, and Skeletons' extensive range means that relying on these mobs for defense, regardless of the cost, is ineffective pretty soon.

Minecraft Legends is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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