Minecraft Legends has been released, and the strategy game is an exciting new experience set in the world and franchise of Minecraft. While there is a lot of learning to do, particularly for players new to the strategy genre, the game has a lot of aspects that will be familiar to veteran strategy game players.

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Though the style and simplicity of Minecraft Legends have been called into question by some fans and critics alike, there is a lot to love about the strategic aspects of this new adventure. Providing something for everyone, one of the most notable aspects is the building which is a familiar aspect of other Minecraft franchise games. Minecraft Legends is split into attacking enemy bases and defending the villages spread around the map from piglin attacks when it is important to get the best buildings ready to defend.

6 Arrow Towers

Minecraft Legends Arrow Tower

Cost: 35 Wood, 35 Stone

The arrow towers are the bog-standard defensive building in Minecraft Legends. Enemies will be pounded relentlessly as they try to surge forward on the offense by these towers that fire constant attacks at nearby enemy units. Early in Minecraft Legends, placing arrow towers will be one of the most important parts of preparing a defense against any piglin attack.

Even the main piece of learning how to build defenses, which is included in the early tutorial levels by the narrators, shows arrow towers are critical in many ways. One of the most useful things about these buildings is that they present a huge target to the enemy force as they attack. If players build an arrow tower on the outskirts of their village, then enemies will likely try to take it down and give the player time to send reinforcement units out toward that direction. This is hugely valuable as a piece of strategy and helps make arrow towers even more critical as a part of base building for defense.

5 Extendable Walls

Minecraft Legends Extendable Wall

Cost: 3 Wood

Obviously, building walls to keep out enemies is a huge part of Minecraft Legends and plenty of other strategy games. One of the best ideas is to layer walls and gates around a major base, as this will make it much harder to get into the base to deal damage to the most important items at the center of the village. Good walls without gaps and layered walls will become more significant to strategic gameplay later in the campaign or in PvP mode.

The best strategies for defense in Minecraft Legends will all include various volumes of walls, but they will always be present. Putting up defenses starts with walls, everything inside the village from spawners to other buildings will need protection if players are looking to stop attacks and engage in some of their own. Walls are the first line of defense under almost every strategy for Minecraft Legends defense.

4 Redstone Launchers

Minecraft Legends Redstone Launcher

Cost: 50 Wood, 100 Stone, 100 Redstone

The Redstone launcher is an intriguing building that can be used for attack or defense. Unlike other buildings, this is one that the player can fully interact with, getting inside and getting to use one to fire huge blasts of explosives somewhere within the range of the launcher. While there is a significant cooldown after such a shot is fired, this can devastate large individual enemies or a tight-knit group of enemies attacking a base.

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The significance of Redstone Launchers in situations where the player is in danger of losing a battle cannot be overstated. These structures are a game-changer in many situations, battles can swing on one large blast from a launcher being fired at the right time. These are as effective as some of the very best mobs in the game.

3 Kaboomery

Minecraft Legends Kaboomery

Cost: 50 Wood, 100 Stone, 200 Coal

There are several buildings that upgrade other buildings and should therefore be built whenever available at the center of a village before the defense begins. A kaboomery is one of the most useful support buildings available in Minecraft Legends due to the upgrade it gives every tower within its range, that of explosive shots.

Towers such as the arrow tower which launches projectiles at enemies will be upgraded within the range of the kaboomery to fire explosive bolts which will deal heavier damage to enemies upon impact. This can be huge as the kaboomery gives this upgrade until it is also destroyed, so a set of towers closely packed around the kaboomery can give enemies trouble for a huge length of time, especially if used in conjunction with other support towers and the friendly mobs that can help the hero out.

2 Masonry

Minecraft Legends Masonry

Cost: 50 Wood, 100 Stone, 200 Iron

While other support buildings such as the carpenter hut can be useful in keeping buildings alive, the Masonry is the best of these available in Minecraft Legends as it gives every building within its range upgraded health by turning all walls in range to stone. Enemies will be seeking to take down the buildings of the village, so the Masonry quite simply makes this much harder.

If placed at the center of the player’s village, the Masonry will give many key buildings a much-needed boost that can stop enemies from tearing them down without a huge degree of added effort. The Masonry should be used to keep towns standing under all but the most destructive of enemy forces.

1 Battle Drum

Minecraft Legends Battle Drum

Cost: 100 Wood, 50 Stone, 100 Redstone

The Battle Drum is another support building that can be vital to the defense of villages in Minecraft Legacy. Similar to the Kaboomery or the Masonry, the Battle Drum will provide a buff to every building within range of wherever it is placed by the allays the player sends to build it.

The upgrade which the Battle Drum provides these buildings is that of an increased rate of fire. Towers and traps being able to activate and launch faster is a huge buff that can tear apart far more enemies attacking the village in a far shorter amount of time, causing many enemy invasions to fail quickly.

Minecraft Legends is currently available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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