The new Minecraft spin-off, titled Minecraft Legends, has been released and pits players against a horde of piglins invading the Overworld from the Nether. The strategy game shakes up the graphics, combat, and genre of the Minecraft franchise, and while some players are unsure about the new developments in the franchise, others are already loving the game.

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Minecraft Legends allows players to summon a variety of units and ally units to help them in their various battles against the piglins. While there are a lot of options and ways to pick up major victories in the war, there are certain units that can be particularly useful for certain situations in the game, which has been dividing critics and fans since release.

7 Zombies

Minecraft Legends Zombie

Zombies are a unit that players first encounter when they try to close a huge gate the piglins have created early in Minecraft Legends. These creatures, along with others from across the Overworld such as Creepers and Skeletons join the hero in his journey to try and unite the Overworld against the forces of the Nether.

Zombies are melee units that look small, but have a tank-level health bar and can do a lot of damage. Zombies are a great unit to make up the front lines of any attack force, and players who are strategizing well can hold up an enemy force with a line of zombies while they find a way around the enemies using other units.

6 First of Diorite

Minecraft Legends First Of Diorite

One of the most troublesome parts of Minecraft Legends is that the hero needs to leave the battlefield to return to their spawners for more troops. Creating new golems cannot be done on the battlefield because territory controlled by piglins cannot have spawners built upon it by the player. This can be quite frustrating when the tide of battle begins to turn against the hero due to his lack of units remaining.

The First of Diorite is a hugely important unit because it can spawn new golems in the midst of a battle for the player to use against the piglins. A hugely useful unit for the hero to bring along with them on the front lines of a battle, it will be a hugely important saving mechanism. Additionally, the golems which the First of Diorite produces for the player don’t count toward the hero’s population cap.

5 Cobblestone Golem

Minecraft Legends Cobblestone Golem

The objective for the hero in almost any offensive fight is to destroy piglin structures. Towers, spawners, gates, and more will be in the path of the hero and victory in these situations. In offensives, it is hugely important to keep cobblestone golems around at all times. These small mobs are one of the earliest available in the game, and their prime focus is on destroying enemy structures.

This is what cobblestone golems are best at, and they are laser-focused once directed at a structure. A few of these units together will do a lot of damage to an enemy structure in a short span of time. If the player uses other units to distract enemies, cobblestone golems will eat through the structures around an enemy base swiftly, making them one of the most valuable assets in the game.

4 Skeleton

Minecraft Legends Skeleton

The Skeleton unit is another which joins the forces of the Overworld during the first major offensive against a piglin gate. Along with the Creepers and the Zombies, these mobs are strong and extremely useful to the hero in their fights against the piglins. Skeletons are ranged units that can be extremely useful to strategic players in both offensive and defensive situations.

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Skeletons are able to devastate enemy units from range, their problem is that they don’t have a lot of health. Fortunately, if the hero can use other units as a front line to keep the piglins at bay from their skeletons, it will be very difficult for the piglins to survive the ranged onslaught in addition to the melee forces.

3 Mossy Golem

Minecraft Legends Mossy Golem

Mossy Golems are a very strategic unit available in Minecraft Legends. While other units are better at dealing damage to enemies or creating more units to deal damage, mossy golem units are all about healing other units in the army and removing debuffs from them.

It is difficult to say just how valuable the mossy golems are to an army, but with the hero often having to run out of battle and create more armies, the length of any fight will drag on greatly and perhaps even swing back in favor of the piglins. Players that add a couple of mossy golem units will find that the longevity of each army they send into battle goes up exponentially.

2 First of Stone

Minecraft Legends First Of Stone

The First of Stone unit is essentially a better version of the cobblestone golem units. Not particularly strong in defensive situations or at fighting enemy units, but incredible at offensive attacks on enemy structures. These units are large and make for quite a target, but with the proper help at reaching large enemy structures, they can provide a vital service to the forces of the Overworld.

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Players should attempt to throw a First of Stone unit into any force that needs to be able to take down enemy structures. These units are the single best way in Minecraft Legends to deal damage to buildings, meaning they will always be needed in the biggest moments of the campaign.

1 Warrior

Minecraft Legends Warrior

The only downside of the Warrior Unit in Minecraft Legends is that it isn’t available for a great deal of the campaign while the player fights their way all around the map. When it does become available, players will want it to be one of the prime pieces of their army in any situation. Warriors are incredible melee units that are a huge level-up from zombies as the front line of any force.

Great at attacking, defending, and everything that a player could need to do in Minecraft Legends, Warriors are the ultimate choice for tearing through enemies. In single combat, a Warrior can defeat most piglins, and tear through smaller piglins in great numbers single-handedly.

Minecraft Legends is currently available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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