With the latest official update to Minecraft, players now have a new kind of tree, and subsequently a new kind of wood, to find, grow, harvest, and use. It's been quite a while since any new trees were added to the game, so fans are understandably excited to have a new building material and more options for gathering wood. Finding a Mangrove Swamp and the Mangrove Trees within it is certainly an exciting moment, but players also have the option to take a bit of the new Minecraft biome home with them by planting their own Mangrove Trees. The only trouble is that these trees grow differently from every other one in the game.

The Wild Update's new Mangrove Swamp biome is home to more than just Mangrove Trees. Players can find frogs, mud, and more within these boggy regions. Still, the unique way in which Mangrove Trees grow make them an interesting feature for players both old and new to Minecraft to explore.

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Minecraft - How to Get Mangrove Propagules

minecraft how to get propagules

Instead of saplings, Mangrove Trees grow from Propagules. Players can get these by finding a Mangrove Tree and looking underneath the leaves. The Propagules will actually be visible before the player even breaks any leaves, and they can be harvested directly off the tree. This makes Propagules even easier to obtain than saplings since players can see them while passing by. It's also possible to use Bonemeal on Mangrove Leaves to cause them to immediately spawn a Propagule that can be planted later to grow a Mangrove Tree.

Minecraft - How to Grow Mangrove Trees

How to grow mangrove trees

Mangrove Trees can be planted on any soil-like block, and are unique in that they can grow even if the Propagule is placed underwater (though players will probably need a Potion of Waterbreathing to harvest the wood later). The actual process of growing a Mangrove Tree is identical to any other tree; players can either just wait until it grows or use bonemeal to cause it to grow immediately. That said, it's worth noting that Mangrove Trees grow in very strange ways. Their root systems are massive and planting them in different locations can cause some interesting creations.

Mangrove Trees are a welcome addition to Minecraft's swampy biomes, and their wood can be used for anything that other woods can be used for. This includes boats, stairs, planks, fences, and the like. They are also a distinct color when compared to other woods, making them excellent for use in building and for accents.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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