Minecraft's most recent update added a ton of new features to the game, including a new item called Echo Shards. These strange crystals are very difficult to find, but they are used to craft yet another new item that players will help players ensure they never lose their items after dying again. Echo Shards are one of the rarest things in Minecraft right now, as they can only be found in a new biome that is incredibly dangerous to navigate. Players will have to brave that danger if they want to collect enough Echo Shards to craft a Recovery Compass.

Echo Shards were added to the game in the 1.19 update for Minecraft Bedrock Edition, officially called The Wild Update. This same update also added new biomes like the Mangrove Swamp and the Deep Dark, new mobs like Frogs, and even the ability to put a chest in a boat. For players wanting to get Echo Shards, the focus will be on finding the Deep Dark biome.

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Minecraft - How to Find Echo Shards

The Ancient City in Minecraft with a strange structure resembling both the Warden and a portal at its center.

Echo Shards can only be found inside treasure chests in a new structure called the Ancient City. Ancient Cities can only spawn in the Deep Dark biome, so players will need to descend very far to find them. Specifically, head to Y: -52 and start mining in a straight line. Keep an eye out for Skulk blocks, glowing dark blocks that only spawn in the Deep Dark biome, as this is a good sign that there might be an Ancient City near. After finding an Ancient City, players will need to explore it while avoiding the Warden, a powerful enemy that locates the player based on sound.

Minecraft - What Are Echo Shards For?

minecraft what are Echo Shards for

Echo Shards only have one use at the moment, and that is in crafting the Recovery Compass item. Surround a compass with eight Echo Shards on the crafting table in order to make it. While a normal compass simply points the player in the direction of north, the Recovery Compass has the unique ability to point in the direction of the player's most recent death. This is super useful for players that are trying to get any items back that they lost after dying.

Sneaking past the Warden will require players to be both patient and smart. Despite being blind it is very good at tracking down the player based on the sound they make and even their smell. Nevertheless, players wanting to get their hands on some Echo Shards to craft a Recovery Compass will have to face this terrifying new Minecraft mob.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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