Minecraft might not be an extremely dangerous game, but there are still hostile mobs to deal with in survival mode, which can prove to be tough without proper weaponry and armor. Currently, players have the choice between swords, bows, tridents, and crossbows. Honorable mention to axes, which have emerged as a fantastic tool as well, despite being slow.

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Crossbows are interesting because they're not often used by players. There's still a prevailing idea that bows and swords are simply better, and part of it is due to the powerful enchantments these two weapons get compared to the crossbow and trident. Still, the crossbow can be a powerful, yet slightly niche weapon in Minecraft, if players can get their hands on one.

How To Get A Crossbow

Minecraft Player Holding A Crossbow

Crossbows are one of the newer weapons in Minecraft and as a result, haven't seen much use. However, players who would like to get their hands on one anyway can reliable either craft a crossbow or find one as loot from specific locations and mobs.

How To Craft A Crossbow

  • Items required: 3 sticks, 2 strings, 1 iron ingot, 1 tripwire hook

A crossbow can be crafted in Minecraft using the pattern above in a 3 by 3 crafting grid. String can be found in some treasure chests or is dropped by spiders when slain by the player. Tripwire hooks can be crafted using an iron ingot, a stick, and any type of wooden plank, but can also be fished for.

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This recipe is slightly expensive for such a niche weapon, but it's ideal for players who can't seem to find a crossbow naturally in the world.

Where To Find A Crossbow As Loot

Minecraft Pillager Outpost And Piglin With A Crossbow

The best way to get a crossbow in Minecraft without sacrificing resources is to get one naturally as loot by killing mobs of exploring certain structures. Here's where crossbows are usually found:

  • Piglins:In the Nether, Piglins will occasionally spawn with a crossbow as their main weapon, and will drop it when slain. Piglins spawn anywhere in the Nether, except for Basalt Deltas and Soul Sand Valleys.
  • Pillagers: These evil villagers spawn in the Overworld, and many of them wield a crossbow. They can be slain during a raid on a village or when encountering a random Pillager patrol.
  • Pillager Outposts: This tower-like structure spawns almost anywhere in the Overworld and is easily visible from afar. Not only do Pillagers spawn around it with a crossbow, but it also has a chest that has a 100% chance of carrying a crossbow.
  • Bastion Remnants: Found in the Nether, these Piglin structures often have numerous chests that have a low chance (under 10% or so) of carrying a crossbow.

How To Use A Crossbow

Minecraft Player Sneaking With A Crossbow

The crossbow is not a typical weapon in Minecraft, and it's a bit different from the regular bow players are familiar with. The crossbow is charged just like the bow, but the charge time is usually much longer. Charging a crossbow will also slow down the player, so strafing isn't an option when facing another player, for example.

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On the upside, crossbows can shoot much further away and are way more accurate than bows. Plus, a charged crossbow will remain charged even when unequipped from the player's hotbar. It's also possible to use firework rockets and shoot them using a crossbow.

Like most other weapons, crossbows can be fixed either by combining two crossbows on the grindstone or by placing them inside a crafting grid.

Best Crossbow Enchantments In Minecraft

Minecraft Enchantment Table

There are a few unique enchantments that players can put on their crossbow. While there aren't that many options, there are some clear winners in terms of what players will definitely want on their crossbow. This list below showcases all the enchantments, organized from best to worst, top to bottom.

  • Mending: Regardless of the item, the Mending enchantment continues to be the best enchantment in Minecraft, period. XP gained is used to fill the durability bar of the crossbow when the crossbow is equipped.
  • Quick Charge: Reduces the amount of time needed to charge a crossbow. What's impressive about this is that at its highest level, it can make crossbows charge faster than a regular bow.
  • Unbreaking: A good staple enchantment. Nothing magnificent, but it will increase the durability of the crossbow.
  • Multishot: One arrow can be shot on three different targets in a small area. This is really useful against groups of mobs.
  • Piercing: Arrows from the crossbow will travel through multiple mobs in its path, damaging all of them. Again, great for groups of mobs.
  • Curse of Vanishing: As with all curses, it's more of a nuisance than a utility. The crossbow won't drop as an item on the ground if the player dies.

Minecraft was released on November 18, 2011, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, and many other platforms.

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