Minecraft is a game that's steadily evolving, and with its changes, new and interesting game mechanics are often introduced. Back in the 1.13 Aquatic update, players received the Heart of the Sea, as well as something called the Conduit, which is a special and valuable item with unique properties.

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However, in true Minecraft fashion, the game doesn't tell the player how to make use of all of its items. The Conduit is especially tough because there's truly no guidance at all on what to do with it and how to activate it. Luckily, with the right tools, players can turn this simple item into a powerful beacon-like object that lets them breathe underwater in Minecraft.

What Is A Conduit?

Minecraft Conduit Activated

A Conduit is an item used in a Conduit frame that players can make underwater in order to grant themselves powerful buffs while in water in the form of the Conduit Power status effect. Conduits grant not only greater visibility underwater, but also give the player the ability to breathe normally while underwater in Minecraft. As such, anyone planning on building their base underwater will need a Conduit for the sake of simplicity, if they don't wish to invest a lot into Potions of Water Breathing.

The Conduit will also attack any hostile mobs that get in its vicinity, so it's a fantastic way to protect an underwater base from any Drowned enemies. It has a massive range of max 96 blocks depending on the side, as the area of effect is a sphere-shaped one.

How To Craft A Conduit And Its Frame

Minecraft Conduit Crafting Recipe

The Conduit itself is just an item, a simple block made out of eight Nautilus Shells and one Heart of the Sea in the middle of the crafting interface. Once players have this block, it won't do anything on its own, and is useless until an actual frame is constructed for it.

Minecraft Conduit Bottom Frame

The Conduit's frame is a slightly more complex construction to make. Players will need to build it out of prismarine blocks for it to work, and these blocks can be mined from Ocean Temples. Start off with an X-shape pattern on the ground, which is five blocks in width.

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Minecraft Conduit Middle Frame

Add the first layer of prismarine on top of the X-shape. First, add one block at every end of the X, and then a full line of blocks around the whole shape, one block above the original pattern on the ground.

Minecraft Conduit Full Frame

Then just mirror the bottom layer at the top, by adding a block to every end of the X-shape and joining them together into a second X at the top. Players should end up with a strange-looking prismarine cage of sorts.

Minecraft Conduit Placed Into Frame

Inside, place one block of any kind in the middle. This is a placeholder block, which will allow players to place the Conduit itself into its frame. Then just break the block, and the Conduit should become activated. The Conduit produces the sound of a beating heart when players are nearby, and also has its own hovering animation.

Minecraft is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, and many other platforms.

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