Since going public in 2011, Minecraft has been one of the most popular survival games among players of all ages and skill levels with extreme replay value. One of the most prevalent features in the game is farming mobs to obtain their loot drops. Some of these item drops are essential to advance through the world, including the blaze rod.

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Minecraft is no different from most games in that those required items are challenging to obtain. For those players who need to farm a blaze rod, the path to getting just one requires many steps. While the journey may take some effort, the player can go so far as to create a personal blaze farm for an endless source of blaze rods.

8 Collect Obsidian To Make A Netherworld Portal

Obsidian in a cave with lava and water in Minecraft

The first thing players will need to do to begin farming blaze rods is to create a Nether Portal. This step requires the collection of specific supplies to construct the doorway, including a minimum of ten obsidian blocks. Unfortunately, this step is not as straightforward as it sounds because obsidian is not a readily available material and rarely spawns in the wild. Players will most likely find it underground by exploring until they find pools of lava. The obsidian forms when running water flows over the lava.

Once they find the obsidian, they cannot just mine it with any tool, as it is incredibly hard. It requires a diamond or a netherite pickaxe. There is also one more potential problem players may face. Underneath all that beautiful obsidian they just found in the caves are most likely pools of lava, so when they break out a block, it will simply fall into the lava and be destroyed. They will have to be crafty, using water on adjacent blocks to immediately cover the lava as soon as you break out the obsidian.

7 Collect Or Craft A Flint And Steel

Iron ore in a cave in Minecraft

The next step is obtaining a Flint and Steel. While this fire-starting tool can be found in dungeons and Nether Fortresses, it's much quicker to simply make one, especially considering players can't get to a Nether Fortress until they finish building the Nether Portal.

To make one, players will need a flint and iron ingot. They will need to find gravel blocks and break them to obtain flint. A couple of steps will need to be completed for the iron ingot. First, players must find iron they can mine with a stone pickaxe. Once they have a block, they must smelt it in a furnace to create the ingot. Finally, they will craft a Flint and Steel using the flint and iron ingot.

6 Create A Nether Portal

A completed Nether Portal in Minecraft using 10 obsidian blocks

Using at least ten obsidian blocks and four other blocks of any origin, which do not have to be the best building blocks, players will need to create a Nether Portal. They will need to start by placing two of the obsidian blocks between two of the other blocks directly on the ground to form the base of their portal.

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Next, they will build up the sides with three obsidian blocks a piece, placing one of the other blocks on top of each of these stacks. Between the two different blocks at the top, they must put the remaining two blocks of obsidian to complete the frame. Taking the Flint and Steel, players will light the interior, creating an active portal to the Nether. At this point, the four different blocks can be removed.

5 Don't Head Out Unprepared

Four different armor options in Minecraft

When players go into the Nether, it's best to be prepared, or they won't make it very far. They'll need armor and weapons, at the very least. The better they can make them, the more successful they will have. At a minimum, melee weapons should be constructed from iron, and a crossbow with plenty of arrows should be brought along.

Players must not forget their Flint and Steel. If the portal goes out because a ghast fireball damages one of the portal blocks, they will be stranded without it until it is relit. Food is essential in the Nether, as in the rest of the game. Players must ensure they pack enough to survive the trip because, without it, they'll lose their ability to regenerate health and eventually succumb to their enemies.

4 Traverse The Nether In Search Of A Nether Fortress

A widespread view of the Nether in Minecraft

After players enter a Nether Portal, they must find a Nether Fortress. The best way to do this is by wandering around. They spawn randomly, so there is no map to guide players to one. There will also be many mobs to battle along the way, allowing for collecting many items and experience, but some will be hostile and challenging to beat.

Once they finally find a Nether Fortress, they will have to travel a significant distance to find another one. So, players should stick with the one they find or risk running through all their resources.

3 Locate A Blaze Spawner Within The Nether Fortress

A blaze spawner in a Nether Fortress in Minecraft

Unfortunately, there is no great trick to locating a blaze spawner in a Nether Fortress. Players will have to wander the corridors until coming across one. Once they find one, they will also find a blaze mob, which consists of a maximum of three blazes, making it a smaller mob. The best tactic is to shoot them from a distance with a crossbow or bow and arrow. These enemies shoot fire at players, so they should keep their distance.

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As they kill the blazes, these enemies may drop blaze rods, which is why the players sought them out. Blazes have a reasonably high drop rate of 50%; however, they must be killed physically by the player. The only other acceptable method is having a tamed wolf do the job. The success rate at farming blaze rods can be increased using the Looting enchantment. Usually, when a blaze drops a blaze rod, it will only drop one. With this enchantment activated, it can drop up to four, boosting players' looting to new heights.

2 Spawn-Proof The Blaze Spawner And Build A Containment Chamber

Blazes in a Nether Fortress in Minecraft

Once players have found a blaze spawner, they need to stop it from spawning so that they can trap it. To do this, they will need to build a platform around it using a solid block that measures 9x9 and put a light source all around the spawner on the platform.

To keep a blaze spawner contained, it needs to be kept inside a glass containment chamber. Even the roof needs to be constructed from glass blocks. Players must build three blocks above and four blocks below where the spawner is located and create a lava floor with a hole in the center underneath the spawner. The lava will be used to move the blazes into the hole.

1 Farm Without Limits

Close up of a blaze rod loot drop in Minecraft

Underneath the central hole, build a tube underneath the hole to capture the blazes as they fall. They will be easy to destroy in this location. Players can also place a chest directly underneath the tube for easy loot collection.

Once they create their own blaze farm, players can farm blaze rods until they never need to again. In addition to all the blaze rods, they'll enjoy an excellent boost in XP.

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