
  • A Minecraft fan shows their love for Endermen by creating a Halloween-themed Jack-o-Lantern based on the game's iconic mob.
  • Endermen are popular characters in Minecraft, known for their eerie appearance and unique abilities, and have gained a large fan following.
  • This fan-made Jack-o-Lantern, resembling an Enderman holding its own Halloween prop, showcases the creativity and passion of Minecraft players.

A Minecraft fan has designed a Jack-o-Lantern based on the Enderman mob from the game. It isn't the first time Minecraft players have channeled their love for these creatures into something Halloween-related.

The Endermen first appeared in a 2011 Minecraft update, as a humanoid, zombie-esque race with a neutral morality despite their sinister appearance. They are usually solitary and docile creatures that will only assault players if they attack them or make eye contact, and when defeated, they will drop Ender Pearls, a collectible item that can either be used to teleport around the sprawling maps or build Eyes of Ender, which are mandatory to access The End. Since their debut, Endermen have become a fan favorite element of Minecraft, appearing in much of its merch and even appearing as a skin for Steve in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Minecraft Mod Adds Incredible Biome-Specific Designs for Endermen

A Minecraft mod gives the Endermen incredible biome-specific designs to liven up the various areas of a Seed and introduces different Ender Pearls.

Reddit user hsbizzel expressed their love for these creatures, and Minecraft as a whole, by carving out a Jack-o-Lantern modeled after one, perfectly timed for October. It depicts an Enderman staring lifelessly at the camera and holding an equally cuboid Jack-o-Lantern of its own. Notably, it's even holding its prop at a bizarre downward angle, matching the angle of its arms whenever it carries a block in-game. The eight-second video clip shows the finished product resting on a metal shelf, with a pale yellow glow behind the carved-out portions.

This isn't the first time a gamer has designed a Jack-o-Lantern around a franchise they're passionate about. Nonetheless, several fellow Redditors in the comments seemed very impressed by the work done. One humorously suggested designing another one, but this time with never-ending art in which the Jack-o-Lantern contains a smaller version of the design, with the design repeatedly shrinking into nothingness. Another user noted the pumpkin's artificial appearance, to which the OP replied that it's made of foam, making the more intricate design much easier to carve into it.

It will never get old to see video game fans express their love for a series through artwork of all forms, and this example is no different, especially given its excellent timing. With Minecraft having recently been updated and with even more new updates almost certainly coming in the future, it should only provide artists with even more creative fuel for the road ahead, whether it be more Jack-o-Lanterns or other types of art.

Minecraft is available to play on Android, iOS, PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One, and legacy platforms.

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