Minecraft players over the years have devised many new and ingenious challenges within the game. The block builders community has spawned some complex and difficult mini-games, but one player has devised a challenge that is fiendishly simple in its execution using little more than some bumblebees and mine carts.

Reddit user Maxatel concocted the Minecraft challenge, built it, and posted a video for fans to enjoy. The challenge itself is pretty simple, escape a tower via a door built near the top but the manner in which players escape is very clever. Maxatel built a large tower with a base of raw gold blocks that were introduced to the game in the caves and cliffs update, walls built from bedrock, and a roof made from glass to allow light to stream in. Near the top of the tower is a wooden door to exit the structure and complete the challenge.

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The clever part is how players ascend the tower. Maxatel took the pre-built mine cart and attached them to bumblebee Minecraft mob variants at various heights. Players must then use the floating mine carts to ascend to the exit while the random movements of the bees create a challenging platforming puzzle.

The build itself received praise from some other Minecraft fans on Reddit with one user known as Duckrauhl commenting “This is the bee's knees!” A few other players suggested some modifications to make the mini-game even more challenging such as attaching the mine carts to bats and even phantoms. Other users remarked on how the challenge reminded them of the key room scene in the feature film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

The popularity of the sandbox video game developed by Mojang Studios is showing no signs of slowing down as players continue to use the block-building phenomenon to showcase their creativity and ingenuity. Recently a YouTuber known as CraftyMasterman created an enormous, functional version of the old Windows classic game Minesweeper which he then made available for other players to download.

There are too many amazing creations that have been built by Minecraft players to possibly mention in one short news article. However, there are some more recent creations worth mentioning. Artist Ultimate Ink Trash shared their incredible vision for the iconic sandbox game cover art by creating a mock Atari 2600 cover. Another Reddit user known as minogue5 recreated an entire Venator-Class Star Destroyer from Star Wars in the game. With such talented players creating and sharing such breathtaking creations, Minecraft will certainly continue to be a mainstay in gaming for some time yet.

Minecraft is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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