Few worlds in gaming are as vast as Minecraft, with the game boasting procedurally-generated environments filled with exciting mobs for players to discover. In fact, these worlds have become even more alive over the years as Mojang has continued to add new creatures to Minecraft in updates. Among the animals that have made their way into the game in past updates are bees.

First introduced to the game in a 2019 update, bees are a neutral mob that can be found throughout several biomes in Minecraft, such as Meadow and Sunflower plains. In addition to looking adorable, these flying creatures serve a purpose for players as they can produce honeycombs and honey bottles when using beehives or bee nests. One fan recently decided to make a piece of fan art in homage to this cute in-game mob.

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In a post on Reddit, a user known as Jemand_Etwas shared a picture of a recent 3D-printed object they had created. While gamers often 3D print their favorite characters, this artwork was nonetheless impressive as it replicated the look of a bee seen in Minecraft. In the image, the 3D-printed mob featured many of the same design elements seen with its in-game counterpart. Among the highlights, the bee had a yellowish coloration with brown banding. In addition, it had a pair of antennae, six stubby legs, and a pair of white wings. To finish off the project, the artist mounted the bee to a small stand, making it appear as though it was flying.

Since posting this incredible bee artwork to Reddit, many members of the Minecraft community have noted their appreciation of the work of the artist. In fact, more than 1.7K users have already upvoted the post, and many have commented on the 3D-printed design. Unsurprisingly, a number of users noted the cute appearance of the bee, with one gamer wishing to have one to put on their desk. In addition, some gamers liked the look of the design so much that they wanted the print files to try for themselves.

Interestingly, this is not the only artwork featuring bees from Minecraft that players have made recently. In addition to this 3D-printed recreation of the insect, another gamer decided to make a LEGO version of a Minecraft bee, which turned out to be very appropriate given the blocky proportions of the original design. As gamers continue to play Minecraft in the weeks to come, it will be interesting to see what other artwork featuring the neutral mob is shared on the internet.

Minecraft is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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