Minecraft Dungeons is one of the most highly anticipated games of the next month or two. Mojang, the studio behind Minecraft, is expanding its boundaries in an exciting new way. And seeing how Minecraft translates into a fun new ARPG will make Minecraft Dungeons all the more interesting.  Touching on that subject, Mojang's released a new trailer for Minecraft Dungeons that focuses on the lore of the new game.

Those who have been following Mojang's Minecraft Dungeons marketing so far will know the game's basic story. A villain has arisen in the world of Minecraft named the Arch-Illager, who was originally ostracized and exiled by the Illagers, until they came upon an artifact of great power. The Orb of Dominance empowered this "misfit" Illager, making them magically strong. The Arch-Illager then used this power to attack others.

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In the trailer, Mojang employees talk about the idea of creating a new game set in the Minecraft universe. One of their first spoken priorities is building on and maintaining the story of Minecraft, even if it's somewhat simple. That's why Minecraft Dungeons is filled with all of the same creatures and characters from the original game. There are skeletons, Illagers, spiders, and even pigs. They're the same, though Minecraft Dungeons uses them in a new way that builds out the lore of Minecraft.

Minecraft Dungeons' ending is also briefly discussed, though not in such detail that anyone has to worry about spoilers. It's said that the ending of Minecraft Dungeons will hopefully make players happy. And that players are happy about the way things worked out. That's a very Minecraft style and attitude.

However, another interesting topic is also mentioned. That topic being what comes next. It's mentioned that what the ending of Minecraft Dungeons does well is set up what comes next. Minecraft Dungeons does have a Season Pass with two promised DLC packs, so there's certain to be more story and world-building coming post-launch.

This past week Mojang announced that the coronavirus may or may not lead to the delay of Minecraft Dungeons. As the trailer shows, Mojang and Microsoft are still moving forward like they plan to get Minecraft Dungeons into the hands of players as soon as possible. That may be April as originally planned or it might be later. Regardless, there's a lot for Minecraft fans to look forward to.

Minecraft Dungeons releases in April on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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