When Minecraft Dungeons was announced, it quickly became one of the highest anticipated games of 2020. Since its release many ended up completing the game overnight, they loved it that much. However, it doesn't come without its problems and questionable choices.

Mojang's newest game provides a new take on the forever loved Minecraft as it adds a new dungeon crawler, style allowing you to play your favorite character and build yourself up to be overpowered and almost indestructible on your quest to take down the Arch-Illager. Minecraft Dungeons is the first of its kind made by Mojang and many players seem to love it, with many waiting for the DLC to come out after completing it just a day after it came out.

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However, just like any game, it contains aspects that some players just can't get used to. There are undeniably things that Mojang did well, but there are also aspects of this game that just suck.

10 The Worst: Controls/Movement

When you first come into the game there are no instructions as to how to play. Especially when you're a PC player since you have to use the mouse to move rather than the traditional W, A, S and D. Regardless of what console you are playing on it can often get frustrating when you are so used to using the 'traditional' controls for similar games and end up using precious items when you didn't want to. It certainly slows down initial gameplay.

As for the movement, once you get to grips with the odd controls, actually moving feels ridiculously slow and that's not just because no one can figure out the sprint button. Luckily there is an item to solve the speed issue.

9 The Best: Loot

What makes this game interesting is its loot and how it changes gameplay depending on what you chose. The devs have placed a variety of cool weapons and armor, and true to traditional Minecraft style, you can enchant them to make them deal fire damage or really anything you want.

The loot gives the game a longer and more in-depth feel since many say that the story is rather small and a little weak. Not only does loot do some serious damage and protection but it can become personal to you after you enchant them certain ways and create something perfect for your playstyle.

8 The Worst: Camera Angle

Nothing gets more frustrating that not being able to change a camera angle when you want to. Although it should be noted that a fixed view can work really well if done properly, Minecraft Dungeons isn't done correctly.

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What is so interesting in the game is how much it rewards you for looting, but when you lost out on half the map because you can't see where to go or what is ahead of you it becomes almost impossible to not miss out on chests and exciting homages to Minecraft itself!

7 The Best: Rewards

As previously mentioned, what is so wonderful about this game is how much players get rewarded for exploring and being inquisitive.

Chests provide players with more loot, and exciting homages to the beloved Mojang game whilst also forcing more exploration and more puzzle solving as not all chests are easy to find. Sometimes it can get repetitive and frustrating but due to the overpowered weapons and armors in the game, it is definitely worth it.

6 The Worst: Storyline

What has really let this game down is its storyline. During the build-up to the game, the trailers portrayed a wonderful storyline in which players and friends have to destroy the Arch-Illager who has terrorized the town.

However, many players were left wondering where that exciting story had gone. Even though it is present, you have to pay full attention to what is happening to understand it and many just find themselves killing everything they see and doing what the objective says, without knowing why. Not only is it weak and very much in the background but it's over before you know it, leaving many questioning why it is there in the first place.

5 The Best: Style/Graphics

As soon as the game is opened it bears a striking resemblance to its predecessor but with so much more.

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It takes the Minecraft style and adds some beautiful shaders and lighting to create a dark and almost sinister version of the beloved game. On several occasions, it becomes almost entrancing and it's impossible to not marvel and the graphics at some point in the game. The style is similar to Minecraft whilst also keeping its own originality and beauty.

4 The Worst: Micro-Transactions

It should be noted that the DLCs and microtransactions aren't actually available to buy yet but the notion that they will be is worrying for the future of the game.

Almost every game has an aspect where you can pay for new maps, weapons, characters, and sometimes you have to pay to actually complete the game! So when Mojang hint at the release of DLCs and other payable options it forces the nature of the game into question. Especially when the base game is so short and the actual story of it is so weak.

3 The Best: The Camp

Although you have to get to the camp to invite friends into the game which can be frustrating, the camp serves as a smart and wonderful rest stop filled with quite a lot to do.

There are dummies to battle, a blacksmith to buy weapons off, a map for your next adventure and even a traveling merchant to give a bit more variety to your shopping experience. Since it's a dungeon crawler it can get rather repetitive, so this camp can often be a sight for sore eyes as well as being a fun place to mess about with friends.

2 The Worst: Lack Of Crossplay

Minecraft prides itself on playing with friends. Due to crossplay that has never been easier to do and almost everyone takes advantage of it.

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So when Minecraft Dungeons was announced, gamers instantly thought it would be cross-platform. They were bitterly disappointed. The lack of crossplay is extremely annoying after Mojang promoted the game as a dungeon crawler that you can complete with your friends. Hopefully, it is announced soon as it was a huge gamechanger for many fans.

1 The Best: Music

Similar to the graphics, the music is a homage to the original game. Only this time it is not as simplistic and adds a sense of enchantment to it.

Filled with the ambiance of birds and nature in the camp and different immersive sounds depending on where you are you are engrossed as soon as the first note appears. The music kicks in and you instantly feel back in the wonderful world of Minecraft. What makes the music so great is that it is a little more complex than its predecessors, it is slower, more enchanting and rather relaxing, quite the irony whilst battling bosses and deadly Endermen.

NEXT: 10 Games To Play If You Like Minecraft