Minecraft Dungeons offers players many ways to get loot, and at times it can actually get a bit confusing. In general, there are three main sources loot: chests, secrets, and emerald containers. But even these tend to cross over to an extent. Things are further confused by the way the Minecraft Dungeons doesn't really explain some mechanics such as the difference between the three, causing some players to have to puzzle it out for themselves. Nonetheless, all three of these loot sources will be essential for players wanting to get more powerful in Mojang Studio's latest foray into the world of Minecraft.

In Minecraft Dungeons, loot comes in the form of melee weapons, armor, ranged weapons, artifacts, and emeralds. Each has their own unique purpose, and each has different ways of obtaining them. Players will need to find all of these things if they want to continue rising in power and eventually be able to take on some of the game's tougher bosses, so understanding how they work and where to find them is quite important, so here's how players can take their quest for great loot to the next level.

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Chests, Secrets and Emerald Containers

minecraft dungeons release time

As mentioned, the three main types of loot come in the form of chests, secrets, and emerald containers. A count of the total number of chests and secrets is shown on the map, but emerald containers are not tracked in the same way. It's worth noting that although some secrets result in chests spawning, these will never count towards the number of chests displayed on the map. Likewise, emerald containers (even well hidden ones) will never count as secrets. In this way, these three things are distinguished from each other.

Minecraft Dungeons Chests

As soon as the player starts a level, the map will display the total number of chests in an area as well as the number that the player has found. Finding all of these chests can at times seem daunting, but there is a saving grace. Chests are displayed on the map, meaning any area that the player has explored will display the exact location of a chest, even if it is hidden behind a tree or if the player missed it. This means that as long as a player explores the entire dungeon and checks their map frequently, they will inevitably find all chests available.

There are six varieties of chests, and each is somewhat different from the others. The first and most common type of chest is the standard brown chest. This most often has emeralds in it and nothing more, but sometimes will contain common gear. Next, players will come across chests with red and gold accents, these will typically have better gear. The third and most rare chest is the obsidian chest, which is only found in certain special secret areas. Beyond this, there are also the supplies chests, which look like regular chests from Minecraft, the chests players get at the end of every level, and lobby chests found in Minecraft Dungeons' camp, which reward 50 emeralds.

Minecraft Dungeons Secrets

Minecraft Dungeons Creepy Crypt loading screen

Secrets in Minecraft Dungeons take many forms, but they often result in the creation of a chest. The most common type of secret is the invisible chest. This is just like a typical red chest except it doesn't appear on the player's map or on the screen until the player walks close to it. These can be time consuming to find as the player will need to walk every inch of the map before finding them all. Because of this, playing with friends in Minecraft Dungeons is extremely helpful. As was previously mentioned, chests found in this manner don't count towards the chest count.

Other types of secrets can spawn from events. In certain areas, such as the Fiery Forge, there are pillars which spawn groups of enemies. Defeating them will reward the player with a secret chest. There are other events as well which involve solving puzzles or defeating enemies. Finally, the last type of secret leads to new areas. Eagle eyed players will notice levers or pressure plates on the ground, and in some cases even books within a book shelf can be accessed to uncover a secret. Players wanting to find all secrets in Minecraft Dungeons will need to be rather thorough.

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Minecraft Dungeons Emerald Containers

Minecraft Dungeons Emerald Container

The last source of loot in Minecraft Dungeons is the emerald containers. These brown pots will have a green light emanating from the top, and interacting with them will see them shatter, rewarding the player with emeralds. Emeralds are the main currency of Minecraft Dungeons, and players can trade them with NPCs at camp to obtain new and better gear. Emerald containers aren't marked on the map and they never count towards the secrets or chest count, so players will simply need to keep an eye out for them.

Oftentimes they are hidden behind trees, walls, and the like, so scanning these areas can be a good way of netting some extra emeralds. Additionally, occasionally players may find a homey looking house during their travels. Inside these houses is usually a supplies chest and two or more emerald containers. These containers have a slightly different look but function the same way. One can know they've found a house like this because the music will change from the sinister tones players are used to into a more calming track.

That covers all three major sources of loot in Minecraft Dungeons. Regular enemies that the player defeats can drop both emeralds and items as well, but this is somewhat rare for the most part. Usually enemies tend to only drop consumables, but it is possible for permanent items to be dropped as well. Players that do well finding these treasures will have an edge throughout the game and may find themselves being a little ahead of the recommended difficulty for each level.

Minecraft Dungeons is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: How to Beat the Redstone Monstrosity in Minecraft Dungeons