A Minecraft player decided to create a mod that gives Enderman a new ability. With the help of numerous mods available on the internet, Mojang's game allows players to do just about anything. Players can create super elaborate buildings, or add dozens of mobs to Minecraft. Sometimes Minecraft mods open up the possibility of modifying the game's mobs, with results that can be frightening.

In Minecraft, players can bring complex ideas to life using the creative mode, or go on a journey in the hardcore, adventure, or survival modes. In this case, the player will see a series of mobs, which are animals and creatures that inhabit the game map. The mobs can be passive like horses, pigs, and cows, or aggressive. Among the aggressive mobs is the Creeper, famous for blowing up players' houses and chests, and the Skeleton, surprising players from a distance. A new mod created by a player makes another mob, the Enderman, scarier than it already is.

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Redditor ndm250 posted on the Minecraft subreddit a video showing the mod that gives a new ability to the Enderman, a neutral mob that appears in all three dimensions of Minecraft. The Enderman was added to Minecraft in 2011 and has the power to teleport, as well as a fixation on grabbing blocks. If the player attacks an Enderman or looks it in the eye, the mob will be provoked and start making loud, long sounds. In the mod created by ndm250, however, the Enderman is a whole new kind of nightmare: it attacks and suspends the player in midair, causing an effect that turns the screen purple. When the screen returns to normal the Enderman is still holding the player, who is thrown off a cliff.

According to ndm250, the Enderman behavior mod is still a work in progress, but the plan is to keep aggressive behavior as the default for this version of the mob. For players worried that this will be the only version of the character available in the mod, ndm250 explains that the aggressive Enderman is independent of the vanilla version and has its own spawn rate. While not a Minecraft mod that adds new bosses, the project promises to add a new level of challenge to the gameplay.

Even though it is a work in progress the mod video generated humorous reactions from other Redditors, who liked the idea. Other players pointed out a curiosity: the mod gives the Enderman green eyes, something the character had until the update that added the Ender Dragon to Minecraft. It is not easy to defeat the Ender Dragon, and one of the steps is to kill Endermen to get Ender Pearls. The pearls are used to craft the Eye of the Ender, which helps to find the end portal that leads to the Ender Dragon. Mods deepen and enhance the gameplay experience in Minecraft in countless ways, and a mod that alters the behavior of the Enderman would no doubt add an interesting dynamic to Minecraft.

Minecraft is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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