Perhaps the most iconic enemy in Minecraft – as well as the recently-released spinoff, Minecraft Dungeons – is the explosive green mob fittingly called the "Creeper." Similar to Mario and Pac-Man, this dangerous baddie has become a visual representation and symbol of the game in many ways. It has evolved into a brand in and of itself, to the point where its blocky, pixelated head now makes up part of the Minecraft logo.

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As one might imagine with such a strange, self-destructive foe, there are quite a few interesting and obscure facts when it comes to the creeper.

Let's go over 10 of the most intriguing and explosive ones now.

10 Leaf-ers?

The green, pixelated look of creepers is one that's certain to invoke some questions – especially with such a strange and ambiguous figure as this. So just what is the nature of this green texture, and what might it feel like?

Well, Minecraft creator "Notch" is on record for stating that the actual, physical texture of a creeper would feel "crunchy, like dry leaves." It makes sense given the rough, leaf-like appearance.

The bright green color was also meant to make them well-camouflaged for the classic Minecraft grass textures, which appeared similar. This certainly fits in with the stealthy, quiet nature of the creeper.

9 It Originated From A Failed Pig Model

Astute Minecraft players may have noticed some similarities when it comes to the basic model of the creepers and pigs. As it happens, this is no coincidence. In fact, the odd form of this explosive enemy originates from a pig model gone awry.

Notch had apparently accidentally swapped the length and height of the pig model in the early phases of Minecraft's development. Given the qualities of this strange, unpredictable mob, it's perhaps fitting that it was a flub that led to its creation.

8 May Succumb To A Movement Glitch

Creepers can be unpredictable buggers, and in more ways than one. Not only can their behaviors be erratic, but they can occasionally succumb to a glitch that makes them even more unpredictable.

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While creepers will usually chase a player down and make it their mission to end them by way of exploding, there's a slight chance they may cease this action. After stopping in their tracks, they may start walking around in circles, oblivious to their target from then on. So if a creeper chase seems like a lost cause – keep those fingers crossed! There's always the chance it'll whig out.

7 A Feline-Phobia

Minecraft Cat

Creepers are an ominous foe in Minecraft, to the point where even wolves will keep their distance until they're neutralized. Yet, believe it or not, it's the passive cat mobs – of all things – that turn out to be creeper-repellant.

Cats, along with ocelots, will essentially negate the aggressive nature of these foes, sending them fleeing and ignoring the player being pursued. Thus, it isn't a bad idea to keep some of these useful felines around when building or venturing out at night.

6 Cobwebs Slow Down Its Detonation Time

Spiders can be pests, but their cobwebs can actually work to one's advantage, assuming the player themself doesn't get hindered by these natural traps.

In fact, a creeper heading towards a player and ready to explode will have their fuse countdown extended fairly significantly. This will give the player more time to react, allowing them to more easily escape while avoiding catastrophic damage.

5 The Reason They Detonate

Textures aside, the exact traits of the creeper are pretty ambiguous. The nature of "how" these things are able to explode with the firepower comparable to TNT is unknown. Yet, Mojang Studios' technical director "Dinnerbone" has offered some knowledge as to the "why."

According to him, creepers are "so nervous that they shake a lot, and then this sets them off the same way as to how rubbing two sticks makes fire." These explosive enemies certainly are quite the firecrackers...

4 They'll Drop Music Discs If Killed By A Skeleton

Minecraft is great for playing music too, and the craftable jukebox will allow players to do just that.

But how can actual music discs be obtained? It's actually the creeper, of all things, that happens to drop these collectible discs. First, though, the explosive foe will need to be taken out by another baddie – the skeleton.

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Step one is to trap or coax the creeper into the line of fire of a skelly's arrow shot. A creeper being killed in this fashion will then drop a random music disc along with its normal drops.

3 The Magnitude Of Their Explosive Power

As most Minecraft players have learned the hard way, creepers can be absolutely devastating mobs in terms of raw, explosive power. A charged creeper's explosion, in fact, packs more power than TNT. This is the single most damage that any mob in the game can do at one time.

Basically – a creeper charged by a lightning strike should be avoided like the plague, at least without the proper preparation and defensive measures.

2 You Can See Through Their Eyes In Spectator Mode

Minecraft spectator mode allows the player to kick back and explore the vast, endless world of the game free of restrictions and absent the threat of mobs. But this feature also provides a neat little creeper-related Easter egg.

When drifting into the head of a creeper in this mode, a unique perspective will be activated. The environment will take on a prominent green and pixelated look. This is certainly fitting, given the aesthetics of this explosive baddie itself.

1 Numerous Guest Appearances

The creeper has truly become an iconic symbol of Minecraft, featuring in merchandise such as T-shirts, action figures, and stuffed toys. In addition, there have been creeper sightings on various other games in some form, including Borderlands 2 and the Flash game, Stealing the Diamond.

It's also made subtle showings in the form of skins and creeper-related flair in games like Awesomenauts, Terraria, and Octodad: Dadliest Catch.

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