
  • The runner-up crab in the Minecraft Mob Vote had a unique claw that could have added new gameplay elements, highlighting the need for more claw-like tools in the game.
  • The high demand for the crab and its claw shows that Minecraft needs an ability like extended reach for players to build more easily and have extended weapon reach in combat.
  • The crab claw mechanic could have allowed players to interact with things one block further away, making tasks like building at heights or fighting mobs safer. It could even be used to place multiple blocks at once, saving time and making it a must-have tool.

Despite the armadillo being announced as the winner of Mojang 2023's Minecraft Mob Vote, the runner-up crab and what it could have brought to the game has highlighted the need for more claw-like tools for players to use. Just like every previous Mob Vote where players look back on what could have been, those who had not cast their vote for armadillos are left to wonder what could have been without the likes of the crab's claw and its extended reach. So while some players might look forward to armadillos and crafting wolf armor from their scutes, many others are facing disappointment with even a petition calling for an end to Mob Votes.

Evidenced by the fact that the crab was the runner-up for Minecraft's 2023 Mob Vote, it is clear that both it and its claw were sought after by a high number of players. But even if Minecraft mods have already come to the crab's rescue, their official absence is still going to be keenly felt, especially since crabs may now never make it into the game like other Mob Vote losers. This goes to show, however, that Minecraft needs an ability like the crab's claw, whether it's to help players build more easily or add new combat potential with extended weapon reach.

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Minecraft Needs To Extend Its Reach

Minecraft Create Mod Extendo Grip

Given that the crab had been advertised as part of 2023's Mob Vote alongside its unique claw item that would let players place blocks at a distance, this shows that Mojang is aware of the need for extended reach in Minecraft. This is even supported by the numerous Minecraft mods that have long since existed to increase the player's reach, such as the Create mod and its "Extendo Grip." Yet despite the history of Minecraft mods becoming official features or mechanics and now the crab losing the Mob Vote in a pinch, Mojang seems no closer to adding extended reach in particular to the base game.

But when considering the bigger picture of Minecraft, there are many tools and gear acquired later in the game that reshape the gameplay experience, ranging from armor enchantments like underwater breathing and lava resistance, or even rarer items like the Elytra. Therefore, a similar tool to extend the player's reach should have been an inevitable addition somewhere among Minecraft's many updates. Even if the crab never officially makes it into Minecraft like many other Mob Vote runner-ups, its claw and its unique ability should still be added to the game due to the high demand it already has.

Minecraft's Claw Tool Could Reach Even Further

Minecraft Crab Claw Item

While Mojang refrained from going into detail about the crab claw mechanic itself and left players to create a mockup of how Minecraft's crab claw worked, the general premise seemed to be that with the tool equipped players could interact with things one block further away. Though this is still a small distance, it could have allowed players to build, mine, and more with an increased range for pesky blocks just outside their reach. But as this ability is comparable to Minecraft's own Creative Mode, the crab claw mechanic could have been pushed to do much more than reach one additional block.

For instance, the claw promised to be a useful tool for players in Minecraft's Survival Mode, such as how it could make building at heights or fighting mobs like Creepers a little safer with its extended reach. However, the claw or a tool like it could also do more than reach further, as it could also be used to place several blocks within its extended range. This could save players both the time and trouble of placing one block after another when instead they could use the claw to place multiple all at once, ultimately making the tool a timeless must-have regardless of the player's current progress.

Minecraft is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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