Minecraft is a game about freedom. That's clear not only from its wide-open maps and extensive building tools but also from how players can mess with the inner workings of the game. Minecraft has an active modding scene, with mods ranging from texture packs and shaders to whole new game mechanics.

Even in un-modded copies of Minecraft, there's still room to alter the game. Players can "cheat" in Minecraft by using console commands, cloning items, or changing the time of day for example.

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Despite being called "cheats," it's clear that Mojang Studios has no problem with console commands. Not only are useful functions like Minecraft's coordinates system accessible only using console commands, but the developers made those commands easier to access with command blocks.

Minecraft Give Command

How Command Blocks Work

Command blocks are, as the name suggests, blocks that automate commands. For example, players can type the "/give" command to automatically get an item, as seen in the above image.

Alternatively, they can left-click on a command block and write the same command in there. Players can then connect one of Minecraft's redstone switches to the block. Every time a player uses the switch, the block performs the command, and the player gets an item.

Command blocks can also summon entities or enemies with the "/summon" command, change the weather with the "/weather" command, or instantly kill a random player at the push of a button with the "/kill" command.

These can be helpful in online servers and custom maps. Players without op privileges can still use preset commands. But they're difficult to find and set up. Command blocks are completely unavailable in survival mode and don't normally appear in the creative mode inventory.

How to Get Command Blocks in Fortnite

Once again, players have to use the console commands. There are two different possible commands, one using the "/give" command, and the other using the "/setblock" command.

The "/give" version is done by typing "/give @s command_block" or "/give <player name> command_block" into the chat window.  The command block will appear in the player's inventory. If a player wants to get more than one at a time, they add a number after the item name, like "/give @s command_block 7"

The "/setblock" version is done by typing "/setblock ~ ~ ~ command_block" into the chat window. The command block will spawn right where the player stands.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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