A gaming YouTuber is seen getting incredibly emotional after killing her cat in Minecraft in a tragic mining accident. The story follows weeks of other, upsetting news about streamers and YouTubers abusing their animals in real life and accidentally showing the world how they treat them badly when they think that no one's looking.

On Twitter, gaming YouTuber Freyz Playz, or Frey, revealed a short clip of what seems to be normal Minecraft gameplay. In the clip, Frey explains that her Minecraft cat, Bwahh, has followed her underground as she mines rock deep under the surface of the ground. She hopes that the cat will stay put while she carries on mining and as she breaks through more rock, Frey says "I can hear lava."

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Bwahh, who couldn't hear Frey's warnings about lava, rushing in front of the YouTuber right as she's smashing through the rock. The rock disappears and Bwahh goes tumbling into the hot lava below. Frey becomes emotional right away, saying "oh my god" several times and then explaining that "I'm so upset, I actually could cry."

The video has been viewed more than a quarter of a million times on Twitter and has more than 1,000 retweets and nearly 15,000 likes. There are several sympathetic responses too, with Ethan Payne, a member of YouTube group Sidemen saying there were "absolute tears," and many other fans of Frey's posting "RIP Bwahh" messages to pay their respects to the Minecraft pet.

A few others had some fun with the clip, though. One Twitter user, Charles Donald, tagged Drama Alert host Keemstar saying "This CANNOT run. This E-Girl burned her cat alive. Sickening." Another user tagged PETA, the animal rights organization that has commented on several issues with content creators and animal abuse.

One funny Twitter user named Jordan Stead tweeted "What is with twitch streamers abusing animals?!" speaking about the news from last month when Twitch streamer Alinity was accused of animal abuse after throwing her cat on stream. Frey's comeback was also good, saying that because she's on YouTube, this Minecraft animal abuse doesn't count.

The reactions to the video have ranged from crying emojis to laughing crying emojis and people seem to be having good fun with it. After several weeks of stories about content creators abusing pets, it's good to see that the death of a Minecraft cat is bringing everyone together.

MORE: 5-Year Minecraft Run Ended By Zombie Baby

Source: Twitter - Frey, Charles Donald, Jordan Stead, Dexerto