The less common community vote subject for Minecraft, the two biome votes so far have yielded some interesting changes for the game world. It has been stated and confirmed that all the losing biomes will make their way into the game at some point. However, the vague timeframe could be several updates to come. Even with the concrete changes brought by the winners, and a loser that was still added, the potential changes for the biome vote losers continue to intrigue players.

While the full extent of a biome overhaul is only possible to know once it happens, the suggested and baseline changes stated for each biome in the votes offer plenty to consider. Oddly enough, the current group of biome vote losers are all hot biomes, which could lead to them all being included in a future update at once. With only the official descriptions of these possible biome updates, the best of the worst biome candidates are clear. Of the ones that lost the vote, here's how they stack up against each other.

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3 Badlands

Making A "Bad" Biome Better

minecraft badlands

One of the lesser known and even less seen biomes, the badlands or mesa biome has an interesting, if simple, update in mind. Although this arid biome received less than 15% of the vote, the suggested ideas are perfect for the badlands. Offering new plants and a new mob, this pitched upgrade isn't bad. However, it isn't too exciting either, especially for such a rare biome.

The standout addition to the Badlands would be a new mob in the form of the vulture. This would be the first bird-based mob that actually flies around, as opposed to occasionally hovering. Beyond the aesthetic of this scavenger painting a dangerous picture in this desert biome, the function of the mob is intriguing. The vulture, much like their real-life behavior of circling above potential food, would circle above items left behind after players died.

Along with this new mob, a flowering cactus variant and tumbleweeds would also populate the badlands. The tumbleweeds would potentially interact with and bump into players as they tumble around. Bringing new life to a deserted biome could add some much-needed interest in a region only known for red sand, gold ore, and terracotta. But compared to the other losers of the vote, there's not much more to say about the Badlands.

2 Savanna

Mobs Galore

Minecraft Acacia Tree In Savannah

While the Savanna biome recently received the incredible armadillo mob following 2023's mob vote, the biome vote for the Savannas in 2018 doubled down on the mob additions. The Savanna managed to make it to the second round of voting, but lost by over 30% to the taiga with foxes and campfires. Featuring a new tree type, new blocks, and two new mobs, the Savanna update would change the face of this sparse biome.

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Always a popular feature for upcoming versions, the addition of a new tree and a new wood set would be appreciated by players who focus on building and design. The baobab tree is also highly unique, making it a wonderful addition to the world of Minecraft instead of the usual tree types. As for mobs, the ostrich would roam the slightly mountainous terrain of the Savanna, and termite mounds would dot the landscape. Termites are not treated as a mob within the vote trailer, so whether the bugs would exist in a form other than an animated texture on the mounds is unknown. Between the mobs and the baobab, the Savanna's updated form could add quite a bit to the already mob-heavy biome.

1 Desert

Adding A Much-Needed Oasis

Minecraft screenshot of a desert village with a bamboo raft

Even with the recent additions of camels and suspicious sand around pyramids, the Desert's potential biome update would be the best loser to enter the main game. This biome received just over 15% of the vote in the 2018 biome vote, and lost in the first round. The current idea of a desert update is statistically less popular than the Savanna, but better than the Badlands. It could be argued that the Badlands need the update more, and the addition of more mobs in the Savanna could lead to all kinds of new player interactions. However, the Desert offers something players have wanted almost as much as cherry blossom trees; palm trees.

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After the surprising but well-received addition of cherry blossoms in the 1.19 update, the only other type of tree that players replicate on their own is the palm tree. A necessity for many tropical builds, the lack of such an iconic tree in Minecraft is almost shocking.

The other elements of the desert update, such as the additions of meerkats and oases, range from alright to intriguing. The potential behavior of meerkats is currently unknown. However, the idea of an oasis mini-biome or section of desert could add literal life to a visually bland biome. The presence of the palm trees and oasis in Minecraft, on top of the existence of camels and desert villages, might be the exact thing needed to revitalize an older biome. Of all the losing options, this would be the best to incorporate into the game.

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November 18, 2011